Ahmed Mostafa Headshot

Ahmed Mostafa

Assistant Professor of HCC

RIT Dubai

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Ahmed Mostafa

Assistant Professor of HCC

RIT Dubai


Dr. Ahmed Mostafa is a seasoned researcher and educator with a distinguished career spanning over 15 years. His expertise encompasses a wide range of fields, including software development, system design, user experience design, visualization, 3D graphics, virtual reality, web development, and machine learning. 

Dr. Ahmed Mostafa has led and contributed to innovative research projects in various domains, such as supply chain, finance, and health, developing cutting-edge visual analytic solutions. 

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Mostafa, A.E., Ryu, W. H., Takashima, K., and others. (2019). VRSpineSim: Applying Educational Aids Within A Virtual Reality Spine Surgery Simulator. (CGI 2019).

Mostafa, A.E., Ryu, W. H., Takashima, K., and others. (2017). ReflectiveSpineVR: An Immersive Spine Surgery Simulation with Interaction History Capabilities. (SUI 2017).

Mostafa, A. E., Ryu, W. H. A., Chan, S., Sharlin, E., & Sousa, M. C. Rethinking temporospatiality in everyday virtual environments. In 2016 IEEE 2nd WEVR Workshop.

Mostafa A.E., Carpendale S., Brazil E.V., Eaton D., Sharlin E., Sousa M.C. (2013) FractVis: Visualizing Microseismic Events. Advances in Visual Computing. (ISVC 2013).

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course builds on the basics of web page development that are presented in Web and Mobile I and extends that knowledge to focus on theories, issues, and technologies related to the design and development of web sites. An overview of web design concepts, including usability, accessibility, information architecture, and graphic design in the context of the web will be covered. Introduction to web site technologies, including HTTP, web client and server programming, and dynamic page generation from a database also will be explored. Development exercises are required.
3 Credits
The user experience is an important design element in the development of interactive systems. This course presents the foundations of user-centered design principles within the context of human-computer interaction (HCI). Students will explore and practice HCI methods that span the development lifecycle from requirements analysis and creating the product/service vision through system prototyping and usability testing. Leading edge interface technologies are examined. Group-based exercises and design projects are required.
3 Credits
Students will survey and apply contemporary techniques used in analyzing and modeling information requirements. Requirements will be elicited in a variety of domains and abstracted at conceptual, logical, and physical levels of detail. Process, data, and state modeling will be applied in projects that follow a systems development lifecycle. Object-oriented modeling will be explored and contrasted with data and process oriented modeling. Individual and team modeling assignments will be required.

Website last updated: March 7, 2025