Charalampos Manifavas Headshot

Charalampos Manifavas

Adjunct Associate Professor

RIT Dubai

Charalampos Manifavas

Adjunct Associate Professor

RIT Dubai

Select Scholarship

Published Conference Proceedings
Fysarakis, K., et al. "Which IoT Protocol? Comparing Standardized Approaches over a common M2M Application." Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington, DC USA. Ed. Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). New York, NY: IEEE, 2017. Web.
Fysarakis, Konstantinos, et al. "WSACd - A Usable Access Control Framework for Smart Home Devices." Proceedings of the 9th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP 2015). Ed. Raja Naeem Akram, Sushil Jajodia. Germany, Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2015. Print.
Fysarakis, K., et al. "RT-SPDM: Real-time Security Privacy & Dependability Management of Heterogeneous Systems." Proceedings of the 3nd Int. Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust (HAS 2015). Ed. Theo Tryfonas, Ioannis Askoxylakis. Germany, Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015. Print.
Hatzivasilis, George, et al. "Lightweight Password Hashing Scheme for Embedded Systems." Proceedings of the 9th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP 2015). Ed. Raja Naeem Akram and Sushil Jajodia. Germany, Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2015. Print.
Valkaniotis, T. and C. Manifavas. "An Automated Network Intrusion Process and Countermeasures." Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2015). Ed. N. Karanikolas, D. Akoumianakis, M. Nikolaidou, D. Vergados and M. Xenos. New York, NY: ACM, Print.
Journal Paper
Fysarakis, Konstantinos, et al. "RtVMF: A Secure Real-Time Vehicle Management Framework." IEEE Pervasive Computing 15. 1 (2016): 22-30. Print.
Hatzivasilis, George, Ioannis Papaefstathiou, and Charalampos Manifavas. "Software Security, Privacy, and Dependability, Metrics and Measurement." IEEE Software 33. 4 (2016): 46-54. Print.
Hatzivasilis, George, et al. "Lightweight Authenticated Encryption for Embedded On-Chip Systems." Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Taylor and Francis. (2016): 1-11. Print.
Fysarakis, Konstantinos, et al. "XSACd - Cross-domain Resource Sharing & Access Control for Smart Environments." Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier. (2016): In Press. Print.
Manifavas, C., et al. "A Survey of Lightweight Stream Ciphers for Embedded Systems." Wiley Security and Communication Networks. (2015): 21. Web.
Rantos, K., et al. "Policy-controlled Authenticated Access to LLN-connected Healthcare Resources." IEEE Systems Journal. (2015): 1-11. Print.
K.Fysarakis, , et al. "Node.DPWS: Efficient Web Services for the IoT." IEEE Software PP. 99 (2015): 1. Web.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The three key elements of risk management will be introduced and explored. These are risk analysis, risk assessment, and vulnerability assessment. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies will be discussed as well as how security metrics can be modeled, monitored, and controlled. Several case studies will be used to demonstrate the risk management principles featured throughout the course. Students will work in teams to conduct risk assessments on the selected case study scenarios. They will develop mitigation plans and present the results of their analysis both in written reports and oral presentations.

Website last updated: July 17, 2024