Huda Saadeh Headshot

Huda Saadeh

Assistant Professor

RIT Dubai

Huda Saadeh

Assistant Professor

RIT Dubai

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course builds upon basic programming skills to give students the programming knowledge necessary to study computing security. Students will be introduced to network programming, memory management, and operating system calls along with associated security concepts. Specific focus will placed on understanding the compilation process and on the relation between high-level programming concepts and low-level programming concepts, culminating in identifying and exploiting memory corruption vulnerabilities.
0 Credits
Students will gain experience and a better understanding of the application of technologies discussed in classes by working in the field of computing security. Students will be evaluated by their employer. If a transfer student, they must have completed one term in residence at RIT and be carrying a full academic load.
3 Credits
Students will be introduced to the history, theory, methodology and implementation of various kinds of covert communications. Students will explore future techniques and uses of covert communications. More specifically students will explore possible uses of covert communications in the management of botnets. To be successful in this course students should be knowledgeable in networking, systems, and security technologies.
1 - 6 Credits
This course is one of the capstone options in the MS in Computing Security program. It offers students the opportunity to investigate a selected topic and make an original contribution which extends knowledge within the computing security domain. Students must submit an acceptable proposal to a thesis committee (chair, reader, and observer) before they may be registered by the department for the MS Thesis. Students must defend their work in an open thesis defense and complete a written report of their work before a pass/fail grade is awarded. As part of their original work, students are expected to write and submit an article for publication in a peer reviewed journal or conference.
3 Credits
This course builds on the basics of web page development that are presented in Web and Mobile I and extends that knowledge to focus on theories, issues, and technologies related to the design and development of web sites. An overview of web design concepts, including usability, accessibility, information architecture, and graphic design in the context of the web will be covered. Introduction to web site technologies, including HTTP, web client and server programming, and dynamic page generation from a database also will be explored. Development exercises are required.
0 Credits
Students perform paid, professional work related to their program of study. Students work full-time during the term they are registered for co-op. Students must complete a student co-op work report for each term they are registered; students also are evaluated each term by their employer. A satisfactory grade is given for co-op when both a completed student co-op report and a corresponding employer report that indicates satisfactory student performance are received.
3 Credits
An introduction to the Linux operating system and scripting in high-level and shell languages. The course will cover basic user-level commands to the Linux operating system, followed by basic control structures, and data structures in both high-level and shell languages of choice. Examples will include interfacing with the underlying operating system and processing structured data. Students will need one year of programming in an object-oriented language.
3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to wired network infrastructures, topologies, technologies, and the protocols required for effective end-to-end communication. Basic security concepts for TCP/IP based technologies are introduced. Networking layers 1, 2, and 3 are examined in-depth using the International Standards Organization’s Open Systems Interconnection and TCP/IP models as reference. Course topics focus on the TCP/IP protocol suite, the Ethernet LAN protocol, switching technology, and routed and routing protocols common in TCP/IP networks. The lab assignments mirror the lecture content , providing an experiential learning component for each topic covered.
3 Credits
An introductory course in software engineering, emphasizing the organizational aspects of software development and software design and implementation by individuals and small teams within a process/product framework. Topics include the software lifecycle, software design, user interface issues, specification and implementation of components, assessing design quality, design reviews and code inspections, software testing, basic support tools, technical communications and system documentation, team-based development. A term-long, team-based project done in a studio format is used to reinforce concepts presented in class.
3 Credits
Principles and practices forming the foundation for developing secure software systems. Coverage ranges across the entire development lifecycle: requirements, design, implementation and testing. Emphasis is on practices and patterns that reduce or eliminate security breaches in software intensive systems, and on testing systems to expose security weaknesses.

Website last updated: July 17, 2024