Muhieddin Amer Headshot

Muhieddin Amer

Dean College of Engineering and Computing , Professor of Electrical Engineering

RIT Dubai

Office Mailing Address
RIT Dubai, Dubai Silicon Oasis - UAE

Muhieddin Amer

Dean College of Engineering and Computing , Professor of Electrical Engineering

RIT Dubai


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, the University of Texas at Arlington - 1999


Dr. Muhieddin Amer is a professor of Electrical Engineering and chair of the Electrical Engineering and Computing Sciences department at RIT Dubai. He has been with RIT Dubai since 2009. Dr. Amer received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1999. 

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Select Scholarship

  1. O. M. Abdul-Latif, M. Amer, A. Kwasinski, “Classification of Network Slicing Requests Using Support Vector Machine”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications ICECTA'2022, Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE; 23-25 Nov. 2022.
  2. O. M. Abdul-Latif, M. Amer, A. Kwasinski, “Hypergraph Theory for Network Slicing”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications ICECTA'2022, Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE; 23-25 Nov. 2022.
  3. O. Abdul-Latif, M. Amer, A. Kwasinski, “Achieving Linear Scaling in Provisioning End-to-End Network Slicing”, IEEE Future Networks World Forum 2022, Montreal, Canada; 12–14 Oct. 2022.
  4. J. Mounsef, M. Amer, “A Self-Driving Transport Vehicle Based on Fusion Camera and Radar”, 9th International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems, and Robotics (CDSR’22), Niagara Falls, Canada, June 02 - 04, 2022.
  5. J. Jenco, O. M. Abdul-Latif, A. Kwasinski, M. Amer, “Network Slicing for Wireless Networks Operating in a Shared Spectrum Environment”, 2022 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Austin, TX, USA, 10–13 April 2022.
  6. J. Mounsef, M. Amer, “Bringing the Industry Expertise to the Classroom for Enhancing Life-Long Learning”, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tunis, Tunisia, March 28-31, 2022.
  7. I. Karamitsos, C. Manifavas and M. Amer, The influence of Big Data and IoT on Smart Cities, Ch. 9 of the book: “Smart Cities in the Gulf – Current State, Opportunities, and Challenges”, Gulf Research Center Cambridge, 2019.
  8. N. Begum and M. Amer, “PAPR Reduction in UF-OFDM and F-OFDM 5G Systems using ZCT Precoding Technique”, Int. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), V 06, Issue 04, April 2019.
  9. I. Karamitsos, C. Manifavas and M. Amer, “The influence of Big Data and IoT in Smart Cities”, 2017 Gulf Research Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 1-4 Aug. 2017.
  10. Z. El-Khatib, B. Tlili, M. Amer and L. Fuller, “CMOS Cascode LNA with Post Distortion Cancellation Linearizer for Wireless Communications”, Int. Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies & Applications (ICECTA-2017), American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK), UAE, Nov. 2017.
  11. O. Basta and M. Amer, “Optimization of FFR for LTE Uplink Systems”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2016 Vol I WCE 2016, June 29 - July 1, 2016, London, U.K
  12. Friess and M. Amer, “Observations on startup and operational challenges for US engineering programs in the Middle East”, 120th ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, June 2013.
  13. Muhieddin Amer, “Optimal Configuration of Fractional Frequency Reuse System for LTE Cellular Networks”, in proceed of IEEE VTC-2012 Fall conference in Quebec, Sept. 2012.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Introduction to Communication Systems provides the basics of the formation, transmission and reception of information over communication channels. Spectral density and correlation descriptions for deterministic and stationary random signals. Amplitude and angle modulation methods (e.g. AM and FM) for continuous signals. Carrier detection and synchronization. Phase-locked loop and its application. Introduction to digital communication. Binary ASK, FSK and PSK. Noise effects. Optimum detection: matched filters, maximum-likelihood reception. Computer simulation.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in electrical engineering.
1 - 6 Credits
An independent engineering project or research problem to demonstrate professional maturity. A formal written thesis and an oral defense are required. The student must obtain the approval of an appropriate faculty member to guide the thesis before registering for the thesis. A thesis may be used to earn a maximum of 6 credits.
3 Credits
This course is used to fulfill the graduate paper requirement under the non-thesis option for the MS degree in electrical engineering. The student must obtain the approval of an appropriate faculty member to supervise the paper before registering for this course.

Website last updated: February 19, 2025