Tahir, Rizwan. "Cross-cultural training: a study of European expatriates in New Zealand." European Journal of Training and Development 46. 6 (2021): 894-919. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Flexpatriates: issues and challenges for short-term assignments in the United Arab Emirates." International Journal of Management Practice 14. 3 (2021): 283 - 305. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Managing expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: the role of host- and home-country mentors on expatriate career outcomes." Journal of Workplace Learning 33. 6 (2021): 426-445. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan, John Ireland, and Mashal Waqar. "Networking evolution and entrepreneurial success: an exploratory study of female entrepreneurs in Pakistan." International Journal of Business and Globalization 29. 2 (2021): 163-177. Web.
Tahir, Rizwan and David Egleston. "Expatriate Management Process: The Challenges and Impediments for the Western Expatriates in the United Arab Emirates." Journal of Workplace Learning 31. 8 (2019): 520 - 536. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Expatriate Spouse Adjustment: An Analysis of Challenges Facing Western Female Expatriate Spouses in the United Arab Emirates." Middle East Journal of Management 7. 4 (2020): 401-423. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Zarine Chamas. "Male trailing spouses in the United Arab Emirates (UAE): adding novel insight to the prevailing expatriate spouse adjustment frameworks." European Journal of International Management. (2020): 1-25. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Expatriate spouse adjustment: an analysis of challenges facing western female expatriate spouses in the United Arab Emirates." Middle East Journal of Management 7. 4 (2020): 421-423. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Mohamed El Baradie. "Behind the veil: the challenges and impediments encountered by women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 11. 3 (2019): 258 - 281. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Vandana Savara. "Self-initiated expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: Case of New Zealand women." New Zealand Journal of International Human Resource Management 19. 1 (2019): 31-55. Web.
Tahir, Rizwan and David Egleston. "Expatriation management process: The challenges and impediments for the Western expatriates in the United Arab Emirates." Journal of Workplace Learning 31. 8 (2019): 520-536. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Vandana Savara. "Self-initiated expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: Case of New Zealand women." New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management 19. 1 (2019): 31-55. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Mohamed El Baradie. "Behind the veil: the challenges and impediments encountered by women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 11. 3 (2019): 258 - 282. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Expanding horizons and expatriate adjustment: Perceptions of Western expatriate managers in multinational companies in the United Arab Emirates." Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. (2018): 401-423. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir, and Azhar, Naheed. "The Adjustment Process of Female Repatriate Managers in Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Companies." Global Business Review Vol. 14 No. 1. (2013): 155-167. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir,. "The Dilemma of Repatriate Managers in the New Zealand Companies." ASBM Journal Vol. 4 No. 1. (2011): 122-135. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir,. "The Forgotten Employees? Dealing with the Repatriate Dilemma in New Zealand Companies." New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. 10 No. 3. (2011): 174-184. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir, and Chen, W. "Strategic Motivations of Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) in International Markets." Asian Academy of Management Journal Vol. 10 No. 2. (2011): 194-213. Print.