Rizwan Tahir Headshot

Rizwan Tahir

Professor of Global Management

RIT Dubai

Rizwan Tahir

Professor of Global Management

RIT Dubai


PhD International Business, University of Vaasa, Finland; Licentiate of Science, University of Vaasa, Finland; MBA International Business, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand


Rizwan Tahir is currently a Professor of International Business at RIT Dubai. Prior to that, he has held the faculty positions at the University of Auckland and AUT University in New Zealand and University of Vaasa in Finland. He has obtained his Ph.D. degree in International Business at the University of Vassa, Finland. His research has been published in the Cross Cultural and Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, European Business Review, Asian Business & Management, Journal of Global Business Advancement and Global Business Review.

Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Tahir, Rizwan. "Cross-cultural training: a study of European expatriates in New Zealand." European Journal of Training and Development 46. 6 (2021): 894-919. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Flexpatriates: issues and challenges for short-term assignments in the United Arab Emirates." International Journal of Management Practice 14. 3 (2021): 283 - 305. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Managing expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: the role of host- and home-country mentors on expatriate career outcomes." Journal of Workplace Learning 33. 6 (2021): 426-445. Print.
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Currently Teaching

0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in finance
3 Credits
Being an informed global citizen requires an understanding of the global business environment. Organizations critical to the development of the global business environment include for-profit businesses, non-profits, governmental, non-governmental, and supranational agencies. This course introduces students to the interdependent relationships between organizations and the global business environment. A holistic approach is used to examine the diverse economic, political, legal, cultural, and financial systems that influence both organizations and the global business environment.
3 Credits
The practice of international business is detailed-oriented and complex as cross-border trade and investment is subject to various market forces and government regulations. In this course students will study the issues of compliance, risk assessment, sources of international information, logistical complexities and intermediaries, and international payments and financing. The course will develop students with the necessary knowledge base and skills to become successful in the practice of cross border transactions.
3 Credits
Current issues in IB are the focus of the course. Topics include but not are limited to current international business trends, development, and other topics at the instructor's discretion.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in International Business
3 Credits
This course explores the opportunities and challenges businesses encounter creating and capturing value in the global environment. Areas of emphasis include: forecasting markets; why firms globalize; analyzing global competitors; the degree of globalization or regionalization; creating value for the firm globally which includes entry mode management, location decisions and timing, role of technology; and how to operate.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in management.
3 Credits
A capstone course drawing upon major business functions—accounting, finance, marketing, operations management, and organizational theory and how strategic managers integrate functional theories and concepts to create competitive advantage. The course provides an integrated perspective of business organizations toward the achievement of enhanced profitability and a sustainable competitive advantage. Topics include the analysis of business environments, industry attractiveness, and competitive dynamics. Students learn how to formulate and implement effective business-level, corporate-level, and global strategies using theories, cases and a simulation.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in marketing.

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Website last updated: March 19, 2025