Rizwan Tahir Headshot

Rizwan Tahir

Professor of Global Management

RIT Dubai

Rizwan Tahir

Professor of Global Management

RIT Dubai

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Tahir, Rizwan and David Egleston. "Expatriate Management Process: The Challenges and Impediments for the Western Expatriates in the United Arab Emirates." Journal of Workplace Learning 31. 8 (2019): 520 - 536. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Expatriate Spouse Adjustment: An Analysis of Challenges Facing Western Female Expatriate Spouses in the United Arab Emirates." Middle East Journal of Management 7. 4 (2020): 401-423. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Zarine Chamas. "Male trailing spouses in the United Arab Emirates (UAE): adding novel insight to the prevailing expatriate spouse adjustment frameworks." European Journal of International Management. (2020): 1-25. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Expatriate spouse adjustment: an analysis of challenges facing western female expatriate spouses in the United Arab Emirates." Middle East Journal of Management 7. 4 (2020): 421-423. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Mohamed El Baradie. "Behind the veil: the challenges and impediments encountered by women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 11. 3 (2019): 258 - 281. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Vandana Savara. "Self-initiated expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: Case of New Zealand women." New Zealand Journal of International Human Resource Management 19. 1 (2019): 31-55. Web.
Tahir, Rizwan and David Egleston. "Expatriation management process: The challenges and impediments for the Western expatriates in the United Arab Emirates." Journal of Workplace Learning 31. 8 (2019): 520-536. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Vandana Savara. "Self-initiated expatriates in the United Arab Emirates: Case of New Zealand women." New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management 19. 1 (2019): 31-55. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan and Mohamed El Baradie. "Behind the veil: the challenges and impediments encountered by women entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates." International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 11. 3 (2019): 258 - 282. Print.
Tahir, Rizwan. "Expanding horizons and expatriate adjustment: Perceptions of Western expatriate managers in multinational companies in the United Arab Emirates." Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. (2018): 401-423. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir, and Azhar, Naheed. "The Adjustment Process of Female Repatriate Managers in Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Companies." Global Business Review Vol. 14 No. 1. (2013): 155-167. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir,. "The Dilemma of Repatriate Managers in the New Zealand Companies." ASBM Journal Vol. 4 No. 1. (2011): 122-135. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir,. "The Forgotten Employees? Dealing with the Repatriate Dilemma in New Zealand Companies." New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management Vol. 10 No. 3. (2011): 174-184. Print.
Rizwan, Tahir, and Chen, W. "Strategic Motivations of Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Manufacturing Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) in International Markets." Asian Academy of Management Journal Vol. 10 No. 2. (2011): 194-213. Print.

Currently Teaching

0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in finance
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in marketing.

Website last updated: July 17, 2024