Albina Balidemaj

  • March 14, 2023

    RIT Kosovo (A.U.K.) attended the Global Governance Summit at RIT Dubai

    The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) President, Kamal Shahrabi and RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) Faculty, Albina Balidemaj, Robert Muharremi, and Venera Demukaj participated in the Global Governance Summit held at RIT Dubai. 
    The event gathered representatives from the Academic Senates and the Presidents from the Rochester Campus in New York and the global campuses in China, Croatia, Kosovo, and the United Arab Emirates.  

  • June 23, 2021

    Dr. Venera Demukaj introducing the "Master Student Presentations"

    Master Student Presentations

    On June 18, 2021, the first group of RIT Kosovo Master Students, presented their Capstone Projects, which represented a culmination of their graduate program experience. As part of the Master Capstone project, students work over two semesters in identifying a real-world problem (The Capstone Proposal Stage), conducting research, and providing solutions and recommendations to the problem (The Capstone Development Stage).

  • June 23, 2021

    Dr. Venera Demukaj introducing the "Master Student Presentations"

    Master Student Presentations

    On June 18, 2021, the first group of RIT Kosovo Master Students, presented their Capstone Projects, which represented a culmination of their graduate program experience. As part of the Master Capstone project, students work over two semesters in identifying a real-world problem (The Capstone Proposal Stage), conducting research, and providing solutions and recommendations to the problem (The Capstone Development Stage).

  • May 17, 2021

    RIT Kosovo Honors Society Students & RIT Kosovo Honors Committee.

    RIT Kosovo Honors Society Students 2021

    By the end of each academic year, RIT Kosovo (RIT-K) organizes the Honors Students’ Presentation Day.
    During this academic year, a total of eight Honors students successfully passed all requirements to become members of RIT-K Honors Society and presented their Senior Capstone Research Projects on April 29, 2021.