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The Government of Kosovo has been supported from the World Bank to implement the Kosovo Digital Economy (KODE) Project. The KODE Project implemented by the Ministry of Economy will finance the critical fundamentals needed for digital transformation and Policy fulfillment. It will provide high speed broadband infrastructure and support access to labor markets, new sources of knowledge, and public services to households and institutions in Project areas. At the national level, the Project will train and connect youth to employment opportunities through YOU Program and improve access to knowledge sources, including to better reaching and collaborations opportunities to High Educational Institutions.

YOU Program will finance provision of training for young people and their connection to working opportunities. The activities will primarily cater to unemployed or underemployed young men and women to increase their ability to compete in relevant segments of work. The Program will skill beneficiaries to perform IT and ITenabled services. It is expected that through this training the beneficiaries will increase their employability in the local ICT market.


iOS Application Development


iOS Development

This iOS Development program will prepare you to publish your first iOS app, whether you’re already programming or just beginning. As you master the Swift programming language
and create a portfolio of apps to showcase your skills, you’ll benefit from detailed code reviews, valuable career advice, and coaching from professional iOS developers. You will start by learning the basics of iOS app development using the Swift programming language and Xcode, Apple's development environment. You'll develop your first iOS apps using layouts, views, UIKit, and more. Then, you’ll progress to build more complex and advanced applications, using networking, and will be ready to publish your capstone project to the App Store.

To develop iOS apps, you need a Mac computer running the latest version of Xcode. Xcode is Apple’s IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for both Mac and iOS apps. Xcode is the graphical interface you'll use to write iOS apps. Xcode includes the iOS SDK, tools, compilers, and frameworks you need specifically to design, develop, write code, and debug an app for iOS. For native mobile app development on iOS, Apple suggests using the modern Swift programming language.

1. iOS Development Environment
1.1. Introduction to iOS SDK
1.2. SDK Tools
1.2.1. Using XCode
1.2.2. Using Interface Builder
1.2.3. Using iPhone Simulator

2. Swift Fundamentals
2.1. Hello Swift
2.2. Swift Playground

3. Swift Language Basics
3.1. Core Data Types
3.2. String Type
3.3. Tuples & Optionals
3.4. Constants & Variables
3.5. Statements & Operators
3.6. Functions

4. Basic Object Oriented Programming using Swift
4.1. Structs
4.2. Types versus instances
4.3. Member and static methods
4.4. Classes
4.5. Initialization
4.6. Methods
4.7. Properties

5. iPhone Application Basics
5.1. Anatomy of an iPhone application
5.2. Application Life cycle and States

6. User Interface Programming
6.1. UIKit Framework
6.2. Storyboard
6.3. XIB and Interface Builder
6.4. Window &View
6.5. Basic User Controls
6.6. Labels, Text Fields, Buttons, Sliders, Picker etc.
6.7. Building application screens

7. Auto-layout
7.1. Rules & Constraints

8. MVC
8.1. Models
8.3. Controllers

9. View Controllers
9.1. Basics
9.2. Creating View Controllers
9.3. Content vs Container View Controllers
9.4. Orientation Management

10. Navigation Controller
10.1. Introduction to controller navigation through Navigation Controller
10.2. Navigation using Segue
10.3. Navigation from code (Push/Pull & Present/Dismiss)
10.4. Data transfer

11. Table Views
11.1. Populating and configuring Table View
11.2. Data Source and Delegate
11.3. Table View Cells
11.4. Custom Cells
11.5. Editing Table View

12. Collection Views
12.1. Populating and configuring Collection View
12.2. Data Source and Delegate
12.3. Collection View Cells
12.4. Custom Cells
12.5. Editing Collection View

13. Scroll Views
13.1. Scroll Views created from Storyboard
13.2. Scroll Views created from code

14. Image Pickers
14.1. Use media from user's device
14.2. Use media from user's device camera

15. Web Views
15.1. Configuring the Web View
15.2. Showing content

16. Map Views
16.1. Configuring Map View
16.2. Obtaining the location of the user
16.3. Placing notes on the map
16.4. Drawing paths

17. Dialogs (Alerts)
17.1. Interacting with users through Alerts
17.2. Alerts & Action Sheets

18. Tab based applications (Tab Bar Controller)
18.1. Configuring the Tab Bar

19. Gesture Recognizers
19.1. Gesture types and their implementation

20. Animations
20.1. Custom Animations
20.2. Transformations

21. Menu
21.1. Custom Menu
21.2. Context Menu

22. Cocoapods
22.1 Dependencies
22.2. Podfile

23. Networking and Connectivity
23.1. Make requests to a web service (API)
23.2. Restful services
23.3. JSON
23.4. Extracting values from JSON objects and arrays

24. Data Persistence
24.1. File System
24.2. NSUserDefaults
24.3. Core Data
24.4. Realm
24.5. SQLite

25. Apple Push Notification Service
25.1. Local Notifications
25.2. Remote Notifications

26. Multimedia
26.1. Audio and Video

27. Distributing Application to App Store

Flutter™ Application Development

1.Learn the essentials of the Dart Programming Language and all Dart topics which are related to Flutter applications development.
2.Design and build a complete Flutter application.
3.Develop visual, behavioral and motion rich Flutter widgets.
4.Build and use different techniques to navigate Flutter app interfaces.
5.Build Google Maps Flutter apps (iOS & Android).
6.Add Firebase authentication and database plug-in to Flutter apps(iOS & Android).
7.Add and customize more than 100 Flutter widgets (Class).
8.Configure Android and iOS app icons.
9.Update and fix Flutter code.
10.Having the enough knowledge to have full control on the app elements contents.
11.Design any iOS and Android app.
12.Testing and evaluating your iOS & Android app.
13.Publish Android and iOS apps to Google Play and Apple stores.
14.Consider yourself as Android and iOS developer.

Android Application Development


Android Development


Developing applications for Android™ systems requires basic knowledge of Java programming language. This course that focuses on the fundamentals of Java programming language, its framework, syntax, and paradigm. The course will focus on object-oriented programming and techniques which are mainly used in Android software development kit (SDK). It will provide the basic tools and skills to ensure a smooth start with Android application development. This is a crucial course for any non-Java programmer planning to learn the development of Android applications, though it is not mapped to any exam.

Course Prerequisites

This course is designed for software developers or anyone interested in building Android applications. However, computer programming experience in any language is a required prerequisite in order to benefit from this course.

Java Fundamentals for Android™ Development

1.Install Android Studio.
2.Writing a Java Program.
3.Run a Java Program.
4.Write a Java Comment.
5.Understand Java Variables and Their Data Types.
6.Acquiring Good Knowledge of Java Control Flow Statements.
7.Understanding The Java Methods and Arrays.
8.Understanding the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts and Java Class.

Android™ Applications UI/UX Design and Monetization Techniques

1.UI/UX design fundamentals and the design thinking process.
2.A comprehensive guide to wireframing and prototyping Android applications.
3.Usability testing, compatibility, performance and stability of Android apps.
4.A UI/UX Designer Journey in Android Apps.
5.Understanding different techniques to monetize Android applications.
6.Publishing and advertising your application effectively.
7.Explaining how to add licenses to your applications and monitor them

Android Security Essentials

1.Understand Android software architecture.
2.Understand Android’s security model.
3.Build Android applications with security bestpractices in mind.
4.Build more secure and more robust application that appeals to clients.

Android™ Application Development

1.Learn the essentials of the Kotlin Programming Language and all Kotlin topics related Android applications development.
2.Design and build a complete Android application.
3.Debug and maintain Android applications using different tools and plugins.
4.Thoroughly understand the life-cycle of an Android application and its main components.
5.Use external resources, manifest files, intents and adapters.
6.Understand and use all Android persistent storage techniques: Preferences, files, databases, and content providers.
7.Use Android’s background processing techniques.8.Build location-aware applications using GPS as a location provider and Google Maps.

Flutter™ Application Development

1.Learn the essentials of the Dart Programming Language and all Dart topics which are related to Flutter applications development.
2.Design and build a complete Flutter application.
3.Develop visual, behavioral and motion rich Flutter widgets.
4.Build and use different techniques to navigate Flutter app interfaces.
5.Build Google Maps Flutter apps (iOS & Android).
6.Add Firebase authentication and database plug-in to Flutter apps(iOS & Android).
7.Add and customize more than 100 Flutter widgets (Class).
8.Configure Android and iOS app icons.
9.Update and fix Flutter code.
10.Having the enough knowledge to have full control on the app elements contents.
11.Design any iOS and Android app.
12.Testing and evaluating your iOS & Android app.
13.Publish Android and iOS apps to Google Play and Apple stores.
14.Consider yourself as Android and iOS developer.

photo of one of the main buildings of RIT Kosovo



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iOS Application Development


iOS Development

This iOS Development program will prepare you to publish your first iOS app, whether you’re already programming or just beginning. As you master the Swift programming language
and create a portfolio of apps to showcase your skills, you’ll benefit from detailed code reviews, valuable career advice, and coaching from professional iOS developers. You will start by learning the basics of iOS app development using the Swift programming language and Xcode, Apple's development environment. You'll develop your first iOS apps using layouts, views, UIKit, and more. Then, you’ll progress to build more complex and advanced applications, using networking, and will be ready to publish your capstone project to the App Store.

To develop iOS apps, you need a Mac computer running the latest version of Xcode. Xcode is Apple’s IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for both Mac and iOS apps. Xcode is the graphical interface you'll use to write iOS apps. Xcode includes the iOS SDK, tools, compilers, and frameworks you need specifically to design, develop, write code, and debug an app for iOS. For native mobile app development on iOS, Apple suggests using the modern Swift programming language.

1. iOS Development Environment
1.1. Introduction to iOS SDK
1.2. SDK Tools
1.2.1. Using XCode
1.2.2. Using Interface Builder
1.2.3. Using iPhone Simulator

2. Swift Fundamentals
2.1. Hello Swift
2.2. Swift Playground

3. Swift Language Basics
3.1. Core Data Types
3.2. String Type
3.3. Tuples & Optionals
3.4. Constants & Variables
3.5. Statements & Operators
3.6. Functions

4. Basic Object Oriented Programming using Swift
4.1. Structs
4.2. Types versus instances
4.3. Member and static methods
4.4. Classes
4.5. Initialization
4.6. Methods
4.7. Properties

5. iPhone Application Basics
5.1. Anatomy of an iPhone application
5.2. Application Life cycle and States

6. User Interface Programming
6.1. UIKit Framework
6.2. Storyboard
6.3. XIB and Interface Builder
6.4. Window &View
6.5. Basic User Controls
6.6. Labels, Text Fields, Buttons, Sliders, Picker etc.
6.7. Building application screens

7. Auto-layout
7.1. Rules & Constraints

8. MVC
8.1. Models
8.3. Controllers

9. View Controllers
9.1. Basics
9.2. Creating View Controllers
9.3. Content vs Container View Controllers
9.4. Orientation Management

10. Navigation Controller
10.1. Introduction to controller navigation through Navigation Controller
10.2. Navigation using Segue
10.3. Navigation from code (Push/Pull & Present/Dismiss)
10.4. Data transfer

11. Table Views
11.1. Populating and configuring Table View
11.2. Data Source and Delegate
11.3. Table View Cells
11.4. Custom Cells
11.5. Editing Table View

12. Collection Views
12.1. Populating and configuring Collection View
12.2. Data Source and Delegate
12.3. Collection View Cells
12.4. Custom Cells
12.5. Editing Collection View

13. Scroll Views
13.1. Scroll Views created from Storyboard
13.2. Scroll Views created from code

14. Image Pickers
14.1. Use media from user's device
14.2. Use media from user's device camera

15. Web Views
15.1. Configuring the Web View
15.2. Showing content

16. Map Views
16.1. Configuring Map View
16.2. Obtaining the location of the user
16.3. Placing notes on the map
16.4. Drawing paths

17. Dialogs (Alerts)
17.1. Interacting with users through Alerts
17.2. Alerts & Action Sheets

18. Tab based applications (Tab Bar Controller)
18.1. Configuring the Tab Bar

19. Gesture Recognizers
19.1. Gesture types and their implementation

20. Animations
20.1. Custom Animations
20.2. Transformations

21. Menu
21.1. Custom Menu
21.2. Context Menu

22. Cocoapods
22.1 Dependencies
22.2. Podfile

23. Networking and Connectivity
23.1. Make requests to a web service (API)
23.2. Restful services
23.3. JSON
23.4. Extracting values from JSON objects and arrays

24. Data Persistence
24.1. File System
24.2. NSUserDefaults
24.3. Core Data
24.4. Realm
24.5. SQLite

25. Apple Push Notification Service
25.1. Local Notifications
25.2. Remote Notifications

26. Multimedia
26.1. Audio and Video

27. Distributing Application to App Store

Flutter™ Application Development

1.Learn the essentials of the Dart Programming Language and all Dart topics which are related to Flutter applications development.
2.Design and build a complete Flutter application.
3.Develop visual, behavioral and motion rich Flutter widgets.
4.Build and use different techniques to navigate Flutter app interfaces.
5.Build Google Maps Flutter apps (iOS & Android).
6.Add Firebase authentication and database plug-in to Flutter apps(iOS & Android).
7.Add and customize more than 100 Flutter widgets (Class).
8.Configure Android and iOS app icons.
9.Update and fix Flutter code.
10.Having the enough knowledge to have full control on the app elements contents.
11.Design any iOS and Android app.
12.Testing and evaluating your iOS & Android app.
13.Publish Android and iOS apps to Google Play and Apple stores.
14.Consider yourself as Android and iOS developer.

Android Application Development


Android Development


Developing applications for Android™ systems requires basic knowledge of Java programming language. This course that focuses on the fundamentals of Java programming language, its framework, syntax, and paradigm. The course will focus on object-oriented programming and techniques which are mainly used in Android software development kit (SDK). It will provide the basic tools and skills to ensure a smooth start with Android application development. This is a crucial course for any non-Java programmer planning to learn the development of Android applications, though it is not mapped to any exam.

Course Prerequisites

This course is designed for software developers or anyone interested in building Android applications. However, computer programming experience in any language is a required prerequisite in order to benefit from this course.

Java Fundamentals for Android™ Development

1.Install Android Studio.
2.Writing a Java Program.
3.Run a Java Program.
4.Write a Java Comment.
5.Understand Java Variables and Their Data Types.
6.Acquiring Good Knowledge of Java Control Flow Statements.
7.Understanding The Java Methods and Arrays.
8.Understanding the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts and Java Class.

Android™ Applications UI/UX Design and Monetization Techniques

1.UI/UX design fundamentals and the design thinking process.
2.A comprehensive guide to wireframing and prototyping Android applications.
3.Usability testing, compatibility, performance and stability of Android apps.
4.A UI/UX Designer Journey in Android Apps.
5.Understanding different techniques to monetize Android applications.
6.Publishing and advertising your application effectively.
7.Explaining how to add licenses to your applications and monitor them

Android Security Essentials

1.Understand Android software architecture.
2.Understand Android’s security model.
3.Build Android applications with security bestpractices in mind.
4.Build more secure and more robust application that appeals to clients.

Android™ Application Development

1.Learn the essentials of the Kotlin Programming Language and all Kotlin topics related Android applications development.
2.Design and build a complete Android application.
3.Debug and maintain Android applications using different tools and plugins.
4.Thoroughly understand the life-cycle of an Android application and its main components.
5.Use external resources, manifest files, intents and adapters.
6.Understand and use all Android persistent storage techniques: Preferences, files, databases, and content providers.
7.Use Android’s background processing techniques.8.Build location-aware applications using GPS as a location provider and Google Maps.

Flutter™ Application Development

1.Learn the essentials of the Dart Programming Language and all Dart topics which are related to Flutter applications development.
2.Design and build a complete Flutter application.
3.Develop visual, behavioral and motion rich Flutter widgets.
4.Build and use different techniques to navigate Flutter app interfaces.
5.Build Google Maps Flutter apps (iOS & Android).
6.Add Firebase authentication and database plug-in to Flutter apps(iOS & Android).
7.Add and customize more than 100 Flutter widgets (Class).
8.Configure Android and iOS app icons.
9.Update and fix Flutter code.
10.Having the enough knowledge to have full control on the app elements contents.
11.Design any iOS and Android app.
12.Testing and evaluating your iOS & Android app.
13.Publish Android and iOS apps to Google Play and Apple stores.
14.Consider yourself as Android and iOS developer.

Supported By


The Youth Online and Upward (YOU) program is implemented by the KODE Project, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and supported by the World Bank.

All Trainings are Complimentary / Free of charge for the successful applicants.