Hasan Cana Headshot

Hasan Cana

Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo

Hasan Cana

Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo


Hasan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Robotics from the University of Reading, a Master’s in Mechatronics from the University of Prishtina, and is currently pursuing a PhD. He is currently a Senior Manager of Software at Wasabi Technologies, a Boston-based unicorn known for its innovative S3 cloud storage solutions. He is also the co-founder of Formon, a Kosovo-based desktop 3D printer manufacturer. With over 15 years of experience in technology, Hasan brings a wealth of expertise backed by a strong academic background. A father of three, Hasan balances his professional duties with family life and enjoys reading on his Kindle, blending his love for technology and literature.

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Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Students will survey and apply contemporary techniques used in analyzing and modeling information requirements. Requirements will be elicited in a variety of domains and abstracted at conceptual, logical, and physical levels of detail. Process, data, and state modeling will be applied in projects that follow a systems development lifecycle. Object-oriented modeling will be explored and contrasted with data and process oriented modeling. Individual and team modeling assignments will be required.
3 Credits
This course teaches the student the essential technologies needed by NSSA majors, focused on PC and mainframe hardware topics. They include how those platforms operate, how they are configured, and the operation of their major internal components. Also covered are the basic operating system interactions with those platforms, physical security of assets, and computing-centric mathematical concepts.
3 Credits
The gateway course for students enrolled in the MS in professional studies degree program. Course provides students with opportunities to interact about controversial issues while discovering foundational knowledge about interdisciplinary history, theory, along with applied problem-solving, research methods and professional ethics. Students use this course as a means of designing and receiving approval for individualized plans of study. (Department permission required). Students should consult their adviser before registering.