Louis Sell Headshot

Louis Sell

Louis Sell

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course will explore the process by which states disintegrate and fail, the armed conflicts that follow, and international peacekeeping and subsequent efforts to build institutions at the end of armed conflicts. It will consider cases that might include the wars of Yugoslav Succession, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Syria and others. Students will consider the role of domestic and international actors, such as NATO, the US Government, the UN, and others. They will explore these efforts in readings, class discussion, debates, presentation of research, and role-playing exercises.
3 Credits
This course will explore the process by which states disintegrate and fail, the armed conflicts that follow, and international peacekeeping and subsequent efforts to build institutions at the end of armed conflicts. It will consider cases in Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa. Students will consider the role of domestic and international actors, such as NATO, the US Government, the UN. They will explore these efforts in readings, class discussion, debates, presentation of research, and role-playing exercises. M.Sc. students will also practice the type of analysis, assessment and reporting used in national and multilateral agencies about these conflicts.