Job Positions

RIT Kosovo is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all of its endeavors and affirms a commitment to diversity in both its employees and its student body.

  Current Open Positions


Job Profile –
Cleaning Staff– Full-Time Position

Under the direct supervision and guidance of the Facility Maintenance and Security Manager, the incumbent is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the building in which they work by performing various cleaning duties.


  • Cleans and prepares faculty apartments
  • Cleans, mops, vacuums, and dusts the classrooms and offices
  • Empties wastebaskets and select recyclables and transports to the disposal area
  • Cleans and disinfects toilets
  • Replenishes bathroom supplies
  • Cleans rugs, carpets, and upholstered furniture, using the vacuum cleaner
  • Must be able to determine the neatness, accuracy, and thoroughness of the work assigned
  • Reports damages to the supervisor; in the absence of the supervisor reports to the maintenance team or security on duty.
  • As appointed provide a clean environment and services inside the campus and outside as needed for the various RITK events
  • Provides an excellent level of customer service to both internal and external customers
  • Performs other related duties as required

Required qualifications:

  1. Education:  High school degree or equivalent
  2. Experience: Two years of general cleaning experience in a similar environment; ability to work both alone and as a part of a team
  3. Languages: Ability to communicate in English, excellent Albanian

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. It is firmly committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally.

Interested candidates should submit their CV via email to the Human Resources Office at:

The applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and most of the consideration will be given to applications received on or before July 22nd, 2024. The vacancy will be open until the position is filled.

Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed



Profili i punës – Mirëmbajtës/e – me orar të plotë

Nën mbikëqyrjen dhe drejtimin e drejtpërdrejtë të Menaxherit të Mirëmbajtjes dhe Sigurimit, personi në detyrë është përgjegjës për ruajtjen e pastërtisë së ndërtesës në të cilën punojnë duke kryer detyra të ndryshme pastrimi.


  • Pastron dhe përgatit apartamentet e profesorëve
  • Pastron dhe fshin korridoret, klasat dhe zyret si dhe pastrimi i pluhurave
  • Zbrazin shportat e mbeturinave duke i ndarë ne mbeturina te riciklueshme dhe transporton në zonën e depozitimit Pastron dhe dezinfekton tualetet
  • Rimbush furnizimet e tualeteve
  • Pastron tepihet dhe mobilje të veshur me susta, duke përdorur fshesën e rrymes
  • Duhet të jetë në gjendje të përcaktojë rregullsinë, saktësinë dhe tërësinë e punës së caktuar
  • Raporton dëmet tek mbikëqyrësi; në mungesë të mbikëqyrësit i raporton ekipit të mirëmbajtjes ose sigurisë në detyrë.
  • Sipas emërimit të ofrojë një mjedis të pastër dhe shërbime brenda kampusit dhe jashtë sipas nevojës për ngjarjet e ndryshme të RITK
  • Ofron një nivel të shkëlqyer shërbimi ndaj klientit si për klientët e brendshëm ashtu edhe për ata të jashtëm
  • Kryen detyra të tjera sipas nevojës

Kualifikimet e nevojshme:

  1. Arsimi: Diplomë e shkollës së mesme ose ekuivalente
  2. Përvojë: Dy vite përvojë pastrimi të përgjithshëm në një mjedis të ngjashëm; aftësia për të punuar vetëm dhe si pjesë e një ekipi
  3. Gjuhët: Aftësi për të komunikuar në anglisht, gjuha shqipe e shkëlqyer

RIT Kosova (A.U.K) përpiqet të kultivojë një mjedis pune që inkurajon drejtësinë, punën ekipore dhe respektin midis të gjithë anëtarëve të stafit. Eshtë i/e gatshëm/gatshme për të ruajtur një atmosferë pune në të cilën njerëzit me prejardhje dhe stile jetese të ndryshme mund të rriten personalisht dhe profesionalisht.

Kandidatët e interesuar duhet të dorëzojnë CV-në e tyre me email në Zyrën e Burimeve Njerëzore në adresën:

Aplikimet do të shqyrtohen periodikisht dhe pjesa më e madhe e shqyrtimit do t'u jepet aplikacioneve të pranuara më ose para datës 22 korrik 2024. Konkursi do të jetë i hapur deri në plotësimin e pozites.

Vetëm kandidatët e përzgjedhur në listën e ngushtë do të intervistohen



Job Profile - EU Project Coordinator – Full-Time Position

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is searching for a highly skilled EU Project Coordinator to contribute to RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) growth and help us maintain our position as an innovative authority. The EU Project Coordinator role is a key part of the university’s new Strategic Projects Office Team, reporting to the Dean and Project Principal Investigators of RIT Kosovo (A.U.K).

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

  • In coordination with the Sponsor Program Coordinator, the EU Project Coordinator will supervise, support, and help and lead all EU projects through all stages of the project management cycle.
  • The EU Project Coordinator will cooperate with the Sponsor Program Coordinator and project teams in identifying activities, schedules, scopes, and budget requirements for various initiatives, and for preparing project implementation plans, including risk mitigation
  • Monitor and manage EU projects’ implementation progress and track achievement of milestones, deliverables, and key performance indicators (KPI).
  • Create systems/databases to collect, store, and report qualitative and quantitative data on key performance indicators as required by donor mechanisms, for all ongoing EU projects at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K).
  • Support relationships management with a wide range of stakeholders across RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) departments to ensure that the project’s time, budget, and quality objectives are met.
  • Support the work of consultants, vendors, and other external suppliers, allocating and utilizing resources efficiently and maintaining a cooperative, motivated, and successful team
  • Communicate effectively with the project teams, departments, and throughout all levels of the RITK to maximize the delivery of EU projects and programs.
  • Cooperate with key stakeholders to generate best practices and lessons learned registers.
  • Establish and maintain relationships with appropriate client stakeholders, providing regular contact on project status and changes.
  • Establish and maintain processes to manage scope over the project lifecycle, setting project quality and performance standards.
  • Identifying, assessing, managing, and monitoring risk within, and across, multiple projects.
  • Monitor and assign resources appropriately to streamline project efficiency and maximize delivery outputs.
  • Support gathering of data and information for creating concept/first drafts for various donor mechanisms as requested by the direct supervisor.
  • Any other duties of a similar nature as reasonably required

Skills and Qualifications

  • Excellent team leadership and management skills, including effective coordination, motivation, and negotiation
  • Excellent organizational and project management skills, with the ability to achieve results for multiple, simultaneous projects with competing demands
  • Excellent ability to plan, understand, and identify key deliverables and the critical paths to their achievement
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to adapt communication style to suit the audience and to work with staff at all levels
  • Proficient in the use and utilization of digital technology including project management packages
  • Proficient with EC/Erasmus Mundus project application and implementation processes.
  • Excellent team leadership and management skills.
  • Proven success working with all levels of management.
  • Ability to work to strict deadlines and when under pressure, often with diverse briefs. Able to manage pressure proactively for self and others.
  • Excellent customer relationship skills, in particular the ability to rapidly build good working relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Ability to adapt quickly and exploit opportunities within a challenging and dynamic business environment.
  • Highly numerate and able to analyze data and processes to identify potential for improvement
  • Positive attitude to the application of institutional policies and procedures.

Preferred Qualifications & Experience/Knowledge

  • Minimum of bachelor’s degree in management, business, or related field.
  • Professional certification – including PMP or equivalent is an advantage.
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in project management.
  • Strong attention to deadlines and budgetary guidelines.
  • Experience in managing a project to deliver project objectives within a large and diverse organization.
  • Experience in supporting networks and developing information resources.
  • An excellent knowledge of the higher education context in relation to learning and teaching activities.
  • Professional fluency in English and Albanian is essential

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. It is firmly committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally.

Interested candidates should submit the following documents:

  • CV
  • Scanned copy of diploma
  • Two professional reference letters
  • Complete the Job Application Form

The Job Application Form you will need to download from the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) website (click the link under the Career Opportunities) at:

Please submit all these documents via email to the Human Resources Office at:

The applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and most of the consideration will be given to applications received on or before July 7th, 2024. The vacancy will be open until the position is filled.

Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed


Job Profile –
Exchange Programs Coordinator and International Student Recruiter– Full-Time Position

Under the direct supervision of the Chief Administration Officer and Head of Academic Services, the Exchange Programs Coordinator and International Student Recruiter is responsible for managing international exchange programs between universities or other educational institutions and attracting and recruiting prospective international students.

Essential Duties & Responsibilities include the following:

  1. Develop, design, and manage existing international exchange programs and opportunities for students, staff, and faculty. Increase the quantity of Exchange Agreements and MOU’s with higher education institutions abroad.
  2. Develop and execute recruitment strategies to attract and enroll international students, including marketing campaigns, outreach to high schools and educational agents, and attending international recruitment fairs.
  3. Advance and oversee the application and selection process for the exchange programs, including reviewing applications, interviewing candidates, and coordinating committees.
  4. Provide support to incoming and outgoing international and exchange students, faculty, and staff such as pre-departure orientation and post-arrival sessions for participants, including cultural training, logistics planning, and academic preparation, during mobility check-ups, and post-mobility recognition systems. Encourage students hailing from underprivileged backgrounds to partake in exchange opportunities.
  5. Arrange travel, visas, housing, and other logistical details for participants. Coordinate with partner institutions to ensure a smooth arrival and transition for exchange participants.
  6. Serve as the primary point of contact for prospective international and exchange students, faculty, and staff providing information on program requirements, academic programs, life on campus, and visa regulations.
  7. Collaborate with other RITK departments, such as admissions, financial aid, scholarship committee, academic advising, and faculty office to ensure a smooth transition and a seamless application and enrollment process for international students and exchange students.
  8. Analyze enrollment trends and data to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to meet recruitment goals.
  9. Collect and analyze feedback from exchange participants and partners. Prepare reports on the program's outcomes, impact, and opportunities for improvement.
  10. Other duties as assigned

Minimum qualifications and experience required:

  • A bachelor's or master's degree in a related field, such as international education, business administration, or a related field
  • Knowledge of international education trends, best practices, and regulations related to international student recruitment as well as student and faculty exchange programs
  • Preferred experience in program development, management, data analysis, and administration, particularly in the higher education sector
  • Strong organizational and project management skills, with the ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously and meet deadlines
  • Excellent communication in English and Albanian, interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively with people from diverse cultural backgrounds
  • Familiarity with international travel logistics, such as visa regulations and transportation options, may also be beneficial

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. It is firmly committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally.

Interested candidates should submit the following documents:

  • CV
  • Scanned copy of diploma
  • Two professional reference letters
  • Complete the Job Application Form

The Job Application Form you will need to download from the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) website (click the link under the Career Opportunities) at:

Please submit all these documents via email to the Human Resources Office at:

The applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and most of the consideration will be given to applications received on or before July 7th, 2024. The vacancy will be open until the position is filled.

Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed


RIT Kosovo (A.U.K)
Instructional Faculty-Adjunct Positions

The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is searching for several positions of highly motivated and well-qualified instructional faculty (part-time) to teach courses for the Individualized Program. The part-time instructional faculty will teach Visual Arts courses for the Fall Semester 2024.

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is a private, not-for-profit undergraduate institution. It is a leading institution of higher education in Southeast Europe and offers a degree in Individualized Program through its partner institution, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) campus is located in Prishtina, Kosovo’s capital and largest city.

Visual Arts- Part-Time Faculty

Applicants should have a minimum of an appropriate Master’s of MFA Degree. Preference is given to candidates with a Ph.D. and fluency in English. At least two years of teaching or studying in an American University or equivalent is desirable. Cultural adaptability and the ability to work effectively within a multi-ethnic environment are valued attributes. Vacancies exist for a one-semester (16 weeks) part-time appointment. Interested individuals should submit the following information to the HR Office at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) as soon as possible:

  1. Resume
  2. Letter of interest
  3. Teaching statement/philosophy
  4. Teaching experience including the list of courses taught
  5. Scanned copy of degree certificates and degree validation/nostrification from MEST

Please send the requested documents electronically to the following email:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and should be received by Monday, June 10, 2024, to be assured of consideration. The call for applications will be open until the position is filled.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Job Profile –
Co-Op Coordinator for programs in STEM – Full-Time Position

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is seeking to hire a Co-Op Coordinator for programs in STEM. The Co-Op Coordinator for programs in STEM will report directly to the Head of Academic Services and will serve as a liaison between the university and the industry. The main task of the coordinator will be to find suitable internships and potentially full-time employment for students as well as facilitate the teaching of foundational seminars for degrees in Computing and Information Technologies, Electrical Engineering Technologies, and other programs in STEM.


The function of the Co-Op Coordinator for programs in STEM is to build relationships between industry and the university based on industry trends and program requirements with the aim of employing students. This role also requires advising students on career paths, assisting them with technical skill development including preparing applications and interviews for job opportunities, facilitating networking opportunities, and facilitating the teaching of foundational new student seminars.


  • Master’s Degree in relevant field required.
  • Fluency in speaking and writing in both, English and Albanian. Knowledge of Serbian would be an advantage.
  • Experience with the American higher education system and American educational institutions.


  • Excellent listening and interpersonal skills that exhibit positive regard, care, concern, and respect for students, families, and colleagues.
  • Relevant work experience in a higher education environment is strongly preferred.
  • Strong commitment to supporting all levels and backgrounds of students.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively (written and in-person) to a broad constituency, including administrators, faculty, staff, students, and parents.  
  • Working knowledge of effective decision-making and conflict-resolution techniques.
  • Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, ability to multi-task, and sustain an extensive workload within a fast-paced environment.


  • Develop new partnerships between companies in relevant industries and the university. Actively seek new Co-Op opportunities for students in STEM.
  • Advise and provide students with career opportunities and guidance according to university policies and program requirements. Provide tailored advice according to student year level, interest, and degree focus.
  • Administer the Co-Op process including finding, registration, evaluating, and grading.
  • Track and evaluate student performance and Co-Op requirement satisfaction regularly.
  • Collaborate with other program Co-Op coordinators to organize relevant events including, but not limited to, job fairs, employment day, mock interviews, and resume writing workshops, among others.
  • Facilitate teaching foundational student seminars for the relevant program. Design relevant course activities for the student seminars in STEM degrees.
  • Promote Co-op & Career Services to prospective students and relevant companies.
  • Keep records and report on all Co-Op and employment data of relevant programs for current students and alumni.
  • Update the Co-Op page of the website with relevant information frequently.
  • Participate in departmental, RIT meetings, and other committees as assigned.
  • Other duties as assigned.

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) strives to cultivate a work environment that encourages fairness, teamwork, and respect among all staff members. It is firmly committed to maintaining a work atmosphere in which people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles may grow personally and professionally.

Interested candidates should submit the following documents:

  • Resume
  • Scanned copy of diploma
  • Reference list
  • Complete the Job Application Form

The Job Application Form you will need to download from the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) website (click the link under the Career Opportunities) at:

Please submit all these documents via email to the Human Resources Office at:

The applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and most of the consideration will be given to applications received on or before Sunday, July 7, 2024.

Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.


RIT Kosovo (A.U.K)
Full-time faculty vacancy for September 2024

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is seeking two well-qualified and highly motivated full-time instructors to teach Computational Information Technology (CIT) courses for the start of the 2024/25 academic year.

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is a private, not-for-profit undergraduate institution. It is a leading institution of higher education in Southeast Europe and offers a degree in Individualized Program through its partner institution, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) campus is located in Prishtina, Kosovo’s capital and largest city.

Computational Information Technology (CIT) Faculty

This position requires a Ph.D. in Information Technology or a related field. The appointed faculty will be required to teach undergraduate courses in Database and Data Modeling, Programming for IT, Computer System Fundamentals, Client and Server-Side Programming, Routing, and Switching, etc.

Applicants should have native or near-native fluency in the English language and teaching or studying experience in an American university environment.

Gifted instructional abilities, proven international adaptability, and interest in working in a multi-ethnic environment are valued attributes. Interested individuals should submit the following information to the HR Office at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) as soon as possible:

  1. Resume
  2. Letter of interest
  3. Teaching statement/philosophy
  4. Teaching experience including the list of courses taught
  5. Scanned copy of degree certificates and degree validation/nostrification from MEST

Please send the requested material electronically to the following email:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and should be received by April 30, 2024, to be assured of consideration

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


RIT Kosovo (A.U.K)
Full-time faculty vacancy for September 2024

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is seeking a well-qualified and highly motivated full-time instructor to teach English courses for the start of the 2024/25 academic year. RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is a private, not-for-profit undergraduate institution. It is a leading institution of higher education in Southeast Europe and offers a degree in Individualized Program through its partner institution, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York. The RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) campus is located in Prishtina, Kosovo’s capital and largest city.

Full-time Faculty in English Literature and Writing

This position mandates a Ph.D. degree as the preferred educational qualification and proficiency in the English language. The faculty member hired for this position will be expected to teach undergraduate courses in both English Literature and Writing. A minimum of two years of teaching experience, either at the undergraduate or graduate level, is required with strong evidence of teaching effectiveness, particularly in various subjects.

Applicants should have native or near-native fluency in the English language and teaching or studying experience in an American university environment.

Gifted instructional abilities, proven international adaptability, and interest in working in a multi-ethnic environment are valued attributes. Interested individuals should submit the following information to the HR Office at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) as soon as possible:

  1. Resume
  2. Letter of interest
  3. Teaching statement/philosophy
  4. Teaching experience including the list of courses taught
  5. Scanned copy of degree certificates and degree validation/nostrification from MEST

Please send the requested documents electronically to the following email:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will remain open until the position is filled.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Job Application Form
