RIT Kosovo Student Diar Haxhimehmeti and Team GreenTech Triumph at Digital Skills Festival 2024

RIT Kosovo proudly announces the remarkable achievement of Diar Haxhimehmeti and his exceptional team, Greentech, who emerged victorious at the Digital Skills Festival 2024 hackathon, organized by ITP Prizren. Competing with innovative solutions in the smart city category, Greentech's project focused on agricultural technology, earning them top honors. The team's winning project, titled "Agro Culture Monitoring and Maintenance," features a cutting-edge program for monitoring and maintaining agricultural harvests. Utilizing robots equipped with sensors, the system measures critical factors such as soil pH, temperature, and moisture. Additionally, drones are integrated to automatically spray water and nutrients as needed, ensuring optimal crop health.

photo of students Digital Skills Festival 2024

Project Objectives:

  1. Integrated Platform Development: Combining drones and ground sensors for seamless land monitoring.
  2. Real-Time Data Exchange and Analysis: Facilitating quick responses to agricultural needs.
  3. AI for Anomaly Detection: Using artificial intelligence to spot issues and suggest land management improvements.
  4. Secure Data Management: Ensuring safe storage and processing of sensor data.

Looking ahead, Greentech plans to enhance their platform, integrate more features, and potentially commercialize their solution. Their vision is to leverage technology to solve real-world problems, integrating smart solutions into everyday life for greater efficiency and sustainability. Greentech’s success underscores the incredible potential of RIT Kosovo students to innovate and transform industries through technology. The institution is excited to support Diar Haxhimehmeti and his team as they continue their journey and make a lasting impact on the agricultural sector. Special appreciation goes to Debabrata Samanta, Ph.D., Program Head & Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing and Information Technologies at Rochester Institute of Technology Kosovo, for his unwavering support and encouragement towards this research.

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