RIT Kosovo Launch New Alumni Web Section

Alumni Web

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is excited to announce the launch of our new Alumni web section. Visit our web section - rit.edu/kosovo/alumni and stay connected with our alumni community. 

We aim to support our alumni by allowing them to stay connected with their alma mater via publishing their exceptional success stories, spotlights, businesses registry, volunteer work and continuously supporting upcoming generations. Our new web section also will highlight recent news about alumni, event information and announcements from the Alumni Association. 

Our team comprised of the esteemed Alumni Association Board members, staff  and our volunteers have worked hard to put this web section together. Through which, we provide our Alumni community with a variety of ways to connect to each other, to current students and faculty, and to the Institution. Proud alumni stay connected, stay informed, and create a great RIT Kosovo for future Alumni.

Be the exceptional story.

Within the main page we have the following content:

Alumni Association Board


Members – Current Alumni Association Board



Our Alumni

Alumni Record – Alumni names linked with LinkedIn profiles.

Spotlights – We post your spotlight quotes on our social media channels and on our webpage, we encourage all our alumni to fill the form and provide us with a short quote.

Success Stories - We post your story on our social media channels and on our webpage, we encourage all our alumni to fill the form and provide us with your success story.

We also include your spotlights and stories on our monthly newsletter on the following page: rit.edu/kosovo/newsletters


Alumni Owned Businesses

Business Directory – we have listed only a few businesses so far we look forward to more posting as we receive your application via the register your business form.

Register Business


Volunteer and Get Involved
Support a Student Today


Alumni of the Year Award
Volunteer of the Year Award


Coffee with Alumni
Alumni Conference
Drive in Cinema
Executive Breakfast with Alumni
See all events


RIT Kosovo Alumni Association

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