Streamlining Curricular Development Processes and Establishment of the Task Force for Curricular Development

On October 28, RIT Kosova organized the closing event of the project “Streamlining Curricular Development Processes and Establishment of the Task Force for Curricular Development”, funded by the U.S. Embassy’s University Support Grant Program. The project is administered by KUSA and implemented by RIT Kosova (A.U.K). 

The event gathered all the relevant stakeholders who have been a part of this year-long project, sharing their experiences and expertise on aligning educational programs with labor market needs. 

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A brief overview of the project activities was presented to the participants by the project team, as well as the recommendations and main project outcomes, namely, The Guide for aligning curricular development with labor market needs, and the recommendation for establishing The Advisory Committee. The Guide addresses the industry skills gap and supports the alignment of education and training with the skills needed by industries.

The Advisory Committee will be led by the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade of Kosova (MIET), whose leadership representatives, from the very first meeting, showed interest to take ownership and to lead a structured dialogue among the academia-industry-and policymaking triangle. 

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The closing event marked the beginning of discussions among academia, industry, and government institutions that will continue to take place in a structured way under the umbrella of MIET. In her address, Minister Hajdari highlighted the focus and the activities of MIET in addressing the skills gap in Kosovo and confirmed the Ministry’s willingness and support to continue the dialogue with industry and academia, especially concerning the manufacturing and service sectors.

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