Student-run Interdisciplinary Allied Health Digital Practice Centre/SIAHDPC

Project Description: 

The aim of this Project is to enhance the virtual and mixed reality practice-oriented education in allied health sciences through lifelong-learning (LLL), in line with the Bologna process and collaboration with rehabilitation/health providers, ministries and national industry.

  1. The specific objectives are:
  2. To establish and operate a student-run interdisciplinary allied health digital practice center, including its Virtual Clinic for simulated piloting by month 14;
  3. To co-create a Teacher’s Digital Toolkit on modern pedagogical approaches based on digital technologies for virtual and mixed reality-based teaching competence of Kosovo HEIs teachers and clinical supervisors by implementing a top-up LLL (Life-Long-Learning) training by month 15;
  4. To co-create a Roadmap (Guideline) for the designation and delivery of eHealth and eRehabilitation service by month 18;
  5. To investigate and share best practice of Interdisciplinary collaboration, ICT & Digital Competence, Evidence-informed practice, Innovation and entrepreneurship, Evidence-informed practice, User-involvement and person-centeredness, by month 32; 
  6. To update 6 existing CPD (Continuous Professional Development) courses in Innovation and entrepreneurship, ICT & Digital, interdisciplinary collaboration, user-involvement and person-centeredness, and co-create 3 CPD courses on interdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-informed practice, and user-involvement and person-centeredness by month 21 to be piloted in month 22
  7. To advance the work of the recently established knowledge “triangles” (Advisory Industry Board and Joint Venture Group) in health sciences comprising of representative from industry, academia and government in Kosovo by month 14
  8. To establish EU and Kosovo network for collaboration and mobility of staff for developing LLL in rehabilitation/health services supporting each other in developing and implementation of the LLL and CPD courses and provision of tele-health and virtual therapy services.
  9. This project meets the challenges by establishing a student-run interdisciplinary allied health digital practice center conducive to interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship, new pedagogical approaches, 9 CPD courses with relevant e-learning materials, modern relevant technologies virtual and mixed reality based learning and service provision spaces, internationalization opportunities, inclusive and holistic mechanism for dialogue and collaboration between relevant stakeholders.
  10. Further, the digital platform will enable the collaboration between professionals of different disciplines from all over the world as they seek to find the most viable and effective solutions for their clients. It enhances the capacity of institutions and individuals involved to co-create alternative treatments with the shared goals for maximizing the wellbeing of clients (patients).
  11. Additionally, the structure and timing of establishing and organizing project implementation structures and events, respectively are done a strategic that is expected to maximize the quality and sustainability of the solutions of this Project.
  12. More specifically, the partners agree that the process of developing respective intellectual outputs must go through these main phases during which the respective events and contributions of partners are made:
  • investigation and sharing best practices: establishment of regional study circles, intra Kosovo and Kosovo-EU networks, Kosovo study circle followed by organization of study visits at the PR partners.
  • co-create and adoption of new and existing solutions: organization of face-to-face and online workshops, and supported by the online PR tutors on regular and continuous basis, provision of trainings by the PR tutors for the Kosovo key staff members and students
  • piloting: supported by the online PR tutors on regular and continuous bases
  • evaluation and adjustments: organization of reflective workshops and seminars after the piloting is over and supported by the online PR tutors on a regular and continuous basis during the adjustment period.

Moreover, the aspects related to the attainability and realism of the respective specific objectives were ensured through an intensive dialogue and based on previous experiences from other joint ERASMUS+ projects that were successfully co-implemented in Kosovo, especially. The Kosovo partners have gained sufficient competences in terms of ERASMUS+ funded project management (two of the Kosovo institutions already are serving as leading applicants in other CBHE projects), understand the co-creation and its principles as the methodology of work, and have designed the respective activities in line with their institutional calendars (other regular academic and non-academic) for maximizing the benefits and best allocation of their human, financial and infrastructure potentials.

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