Incoming Erasmus + Students

Erasmus + students, welcome to RIT Kosovo!


RIT Kosovo takes pride in its student diversity and has welcomed exchange students at its Kosovo campus in Prishtina for many years. Spending a few months in a different culture and community is the best opportunity to establish intercultural contacts, have valuable insight into a different culture, learn a language and grow as a person! By taking advantage of this program, you will diversify your cultural perspective by studying and engaging with Kosovar and international students from all across the globe.

In order to be accepted as an exchange student you need to be a student at, and nominated by, one of our partner universities. Your home university does the nomination. Once you have been accepted at RIT Kosovo you will receive an e-mail from the Erasmus office with further information on how to proceed before your arrival.

Erasmus Student Network

Orientation Day

International Student Office will organize a Welcome event for all Erasmus students, aiming to establish relations among all incoming exchange students. You will be informed about the Orientation Day program well in advance via e-mail.


Application for Incoming Erasmus + Students


  • Application for Incoming Students


Useful Information for Incoming Erasmus+ Students


  • Language Requirements for Incoming Students 
  • Visa requirements and other practical information

RIT Kosovo Course Listing


To see course listing of RIT Kosovo follow one of the two options:

  • Go to Tiger Center (
  • Class Search
  • Select a term
  • Click on Advanced Search
  • Select RIT Kosovo as campus
  • Save options
  • Click Search


  • Go to RIT SIS
  • Public Class Search
  • SIS Class Search Class Search (
  • Select Term · Select RIT Kosovo for Campus
  • Select RIT Kosovo for Location
  • To see classes
  • Academic Calendar