Adelina Bekteshi Osmani Headshot

Adelina Bekteshi Osmani

Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo

Office Hours
Monday/Wednesday by appointment

Adelina Bekteshi Osmani

Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo


Adelina Bekteshi Osmani joined RIT Kosovo in 2024 as an adjunct faculty. She completed bachelor`s degree in Business Information Technology and a master’s degree in Business Systems Analysis and Design from City University in London. 
Since 1998, she has built an extensive work experience across various industries, managing diverse teams and acquiring excellent communication skills and expertise in the ever-evolving field of information technology. For four years, she served as a lecturer in the Systems Analysis and Software Design and E-business, and as a teaching assistant in the Department of Maths at the University of Prishtina. 
For the past eight years she has been working as a Data Manager for an international humanitarian organization, gaining invaluable experience in leveraging data to improve the lives of those affected by war. 

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
The user experience is an important design element in the development of interactive systems. This course presents the foundations of user-centered design principles within the context of human-computer interaction (HCI). Students will explore and practice HCI methods that span the development lifecycle from requirements analysis and creating the product/service vision through system prototyping and usability testing. Leading edge interface technologies are examined. Group-based exercises and design projects are required.