
  • May 1, 2024

    Tax form with mug

    RIT Accounting Student Volunteers Assist Families in Need with Tax Returns

    Every year during tax season, student volunteers from Saunders College of Business at Rochester Institute of Technology provide free tax return services to families in need through a program called VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) offered by Creating Assets, Savings & Hope (CASH), a Rochester non-profit. CASH “empowers people in our community seeking financial security by offering free, year-round tax advice and preparation, financial education programs, and consultation.”

  • May 1, 2024

    four students sit at a table testing a small product in one of the SHEDs makerspaces.

    What’s being made in the SHED

    Making at RIT has hit a new level now that several makerspaces in the Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) have opened to provide students access to equipment and support for classwork, club advancement, and personal projects.

  • May 1, 2024

    a man looks at a computer laptop screen while sitting in front of a whiteboard with formulas scribbled across it.

    Humans are the nuts and bolts of robotics research

    At RIT, robots are learning to read the room—especially rooms with humans. Improved communication between robots and people is part of the human-centered philosophy that anchors much of RIT’s work in robotics.

  • May 1, 2024

    Yolanda Edwards poses with Gerardo Cavaliere on a rocky mountain top with mountains in the background.

    Magazine founder creates a one-stop shop for readers

    Matt Hranek, founder and editor of WM Brown magazine and The William Brown Project, likes to spend his time exploring and embracing the diversity of life. By producing his own magazine, he’s made a career out of sharing his life experiences with others.

  • April 30, 2024

    a man and a woman stand in front of the newly dedicated lounge.

    Veteran Student Success lounge dedicated

    An important space for RIT students who are military-affiliated, veterans, and their families, now has a name and a refresh thanks to benefactors who want to support members of the U.S. armed forces.

  • April 30, 2024

    Shakierah Smith is shown standing in front of a gray wall wearing a hot pink dress with her hands crossed across her torso.

    Attorney finds her home in real estate law

    As a child, Shakierah Smith loved watching Law & Order. Now a real estate associate, Smith says that her success was thanks to her support system and positive experiences at RIT.

  • April 30, 2024

    Joi Conti sits in a wicker chair that is facing backwards. She is wearing a sleeveless black top, a black hat, and is holding a camera near her head.

    Celebrating Filipino artists in Austin

    To help draw attention to the thriving Filipino community in Austin, Texas, Joi Conti created a new magazine guide called TAYO NA: Austin Filipino Artists & Makers Guide in October 2023.
  • April 30, 2024

    the words Latinx Graduation appear on a black background that has orange and yellow arrows pointing from the top right to bottom left.

    RIT to hold inaugural Latinx graduation

    RIT will host its first Latinx graduation ceremony on Sunday, May 5, at 1 p.m. in the SHED. The event is a chance to honor and celebrate graduating Latinx students and is organized by RIT’s Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE).