Photo Spotlights

  • September 9, 2013

    Tony Harkin, associate professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences, balances a tensegrity structure on his hand. Structures with “tensional integrity” appear in architecture, engineering and biology.
  • September 5, 2013

    In addition to a successful career as senior partner in the Marbury Law Group in Virginia, Jon Roberts, a 1970 graduate of RIT’s imaging science program, has maintained a steadfast passion for the arts and music singing with the National Symphony Orchestra and acting in theater productions. He serves on the President’s Roundtable and has established a scholarship with his wife, Jessie, in support of science students who participate in the performing arts.
  • September 4, 2013

    The Gene Polisseni Center is starting to take shape. The arena will be the home of the men’s and women’s hockey teams and is expected to be open for play in fall 2014.
  • September 3, 2013

    R. Roger Remington, RIT’s longest-serving faculty member, will be honored this fall for his lifework in graphic design. Remington, the Lella and Massimo Vignelli Distinguished Professor of Design, will also celebrate 50 years of teaching.
  • August 30, 2013

    Preethi Gopalan, second from right, a microsystems doctoral student, explains the inner workings of a large-scale fuel cell to lab co-workers, from left, Valentina Mejia, Camila Gomez and Carmen Azzaretti. The four worked closely together this summer on several projects led by mechanical engineering professor Satish Kandlikar. To read more, go to
  • August 29, 2013

    Installation of a time capsule marking the conversion from the quarter system to semesters took place on Aug. 29. The capsule contains a video of interviews with students, faculty, staff and alumni on what this milestone means for the university, plus a proclamation from the board of trustees and other memorabilia.
  • August 28, 2013

    Wade Kellard, an RIT/NTID mechanical engineering technology major, demonstrates technology that converts hand shapes to text. He’s a member of MotionSavvy, a team of students who participated in the Saunders Summer Start-up Program, which provides mentoring for newly-formed businesses. To read more, go to
  • August 27, 2013

    Cori Kolb’s ongoing medical challenges haven’t stopped her from earning RIT’s Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship Award and an accounting degree from Saunders College of Business last May, or her gig as a soprano singer and business director of Encore, RIT’s all-female a cappella vocal ensemble. To read more, go to
  • August 26, 2013

    J. Fernando Naveda, calendar conversion director, has led RIT through the transition to a semester system. A campus-wide celebration marking the milestone academic calendar change will be at 3 p.m. today in Ingle Auditorium. The celebration also will be live streamed with real-time captioning at
  • August 26, 2013

    Red Wings General Manager Dan Mason introduced RIT’s hockey teams at the first-ever RIT Day with the Rochester Red Wings on Aug. 24. The 2013 RIT men’s lacrosse team was honored at home plate and members of the men’s and women’s hockey teams signed autographs during the game.
  • August 25, 2013

    RIT held its eighth annual Lighting the Way ceremony on Aug. 23 to welcome new female students to campus.
  • August 24, 2013

    Renovations to Barnes and Noble @ RIT are complete. Murals featuring campus scenes were hung on the walls and the children’s book department has a new look, featuring a stage and sitting area. To read more about this and other construction projects, go to