CSLT - Application Form

If you have any questions, please contact us.

List per line your educational background (College, Degree Awarded, Major, Year)
Check all of the following that apply to you
Indicate your SLPI:ASL rating or ASLPI score
What ASL rating do you have?
Please select Other and indicate your ASL rating (if not SLPI:ASL Advanced Plus or higher, and/or ASLPI 4+ or higher)
List per line your training/workshop names, where held, dates
List per line your translation experience, for whom you worked, dates, etc.
Create a 3-5 minute video in ASL, save on YouTube, enter the link to the video here. Include in video: what draws you to the translation program, translation experience, what translation means to you.
What do you hope to do with the knowledge gained from this program? (in English, 250 words or less)
If accepted, I agree to complete the entire program.
The online course materials will be disseminated upon acceptance into the program.