Katherine Varga Headshot

Katherine Varga

Captionist III

Real-Time Captioning and Notetaking Services Team 2
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Adjunct Faculty

Katherine Varga

Captionist III

Real-Time Captioning and Notetaking Services Team 2
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Adjunct Faculty

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
Introduction to Creative Writing is designed to guide students into the craft of creative nonfiction and fiction prose or poetry. The primary goal is to experiment with various forms of creative writing and to produce at least one polished work. The course uses peer feedback and workshops in the development of creative writing projects.
3 Credits
This course is for students who want to explore the techniques of a single genre of creative writing and add to their skills as a creative writer. Through reading and discussion, students will see their own writing in a larger context. Reading/reflection and writing/revision will be emphasized all semester. The focus will be on the creation of creative works and the learning of stylistic and craft techniques. Ongoing work will be discussed with peer editors, which will not only help students rethink their work but teach them to become better editors. Group critiques will provide the opportunity to give and receive helpful feedback. Each class will rely extensively on the creative writing workshop model, and will focus on a specific genre of print-based creative writing. The course may be taken up to three times for a total of 9 credit hours, as long as the topics are different.
3 Credits
Playwriting I is an intensive exploration of writing for theatre. Areas of study include the major parts of the dramatic text such as plot structure, action, dialogue, and character development. Professional stage play format will also be covered. This is a workshop style class, in which students learn primarily through their own design projects and peer/instructor critique. Students will write scripts for multiple short scenes and 10-minute plays, revising frequently based on peer and instructor feedback. Students will also read, view, and discuss short plays by Deaf and hearing writers. This course is designated as Writing Intensive.