Tiffany Panko Headshot

Tiffany Panko

Executive Director

NTID Deaf Health Care and Biomedical Science Hub
National Technical Institute for the Deaf

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Tiffany Panko

Executive Director

NTID Deaf Health Care and Biomedical Science Hub
National Technical Institute for the Deaf


Tiffany L. Panko, MD, MBA is the Executive Director of the Deaf Health Care and Biomedical Science Hub (Deaf Hub). She is also Co-Program Director of teh Mentor Supported Shadowing Program, Co-Program Director of the Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (U-RISE) program, and the Lab Director for the Deaf Health Laboratory. More information about the Deaf Hub can be found at

Select Scholarship

Journal Paper
Ratakonda, Sanjana, et al. "Wait, What? What's Going On?—Pregnancy Experiences of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Mothers Who Do Not Sign." Birth. (2024): 0. Web.
Chandanabhumma, Paul P., et al. "Examining the Differences of Perceptions and Experience with Online Health Information Accessibility Between Deaf and Hearing Individuals: A Qualitative Study." Patient Education and Counseling 122. (2024): 108169. Print.
Helm, Kaila V.T., et al. "Maternal health experiences of Black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." Women's Health Issues 33. 6 (2023): 610-617. Print.
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Book Chapter
Mazique, Rachel, Tiffany L. Panko, and Jess A. Cuculick. "Reproductive and Disability Justice: Deaf Peoples’ Right to be Born." The Palgrave Handbook of Reproductive Justice and Literature. Ed. Beth Widmaier Capo and Laura Lazzari. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2022. 221-246. Print.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
Panko, Tiffany, Jeanne Alhusen, and Kristi Kirschner. "Disability and Pregnancy: Health Care Providers." The Accessibility of Motherhood: A Virtual Workshop on Disability and Pregnancy. NIDILRR Administration for Community Living. Washington, DC. 2 Nov. 2021. Guest Lecture.
Invited Paper
Panko, Tiffany L., Shazia Siddiqi, and Jason Rotoli. "Supporting the deaf community: Do they have access to breastfeeding resources?" Breastfeeding Resiliency, Engagement, and Empowerment Newsletter. (2021). Web.
Uninvited Presentations
Helm, Kaila, et al. "Maternal health experiences of black deaf and hard of hearing women in the United States." American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. American Public Health Association. Denver, CO. 24 Oct. 2021. Conference Presentation.
Schecter, Arielle, et al. "Facilitators and barriers to safe sex and effective contraception in deaf women: A mixed methods study." Family Medicine Education Consortium. Family Medicine Education Consortium. Philadelphia, PA. 9 Oct. 2021. Poster Session.
Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf women’s contraceptive practices." National Sexual Health Conference. United States National Sexual Health Conference. Washington, DC. 6 Oct. 2021. Poster Session.
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Panko, Tiffany. Faces of Science: Ambassadors for Equity. 2021. Museum of Science, Boston, MA. Exhibit.
Panko, Tiffany. #IfThenSheCan The Exhibit. 2021. NorthPark Center, Dallas, TX. Exhibit.
Panko, Tiffany. Contemporary Women in STEM. 2020. International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago, IL. Exhibit.
Published Conference Proceedings
Mussallem, Ashley, et al. "Double Disparity in Deaf and Hard of Hearing College Students’ Health Literacy." Proceedings of the Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Virtual Meeting. 20 October 2020. Ed. Michael K. Paasche-Orlow. Thorofare, NJ: n.p., Print.
Postl, Daphine, et al. "Deaf Community’s Experience of COVID-19." Proceedings of the Health Literacy in Action and Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Virtual Meeting. 20 October 2020. Ed. Michael K. Paasche-Orlow. Thorofare, NJ: n.p., Print.
Dye, Timothy D., et al. "Adherence to COVID-19 Prevention Strategies among Pregnant People and their Partners." Proceedings of the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, January 2021, Las Vegas, NV. Ed. Catherine Bradley and Roberto Romero. New York, NY: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021. Print.
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