NTID Office of Diversity and Inclusion Contact Form

NTID Office of Diversity and Inclusion Contact Form

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is intended to be a resource for all members of the RIT/NTID community. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to fill out the form below. One of our staff members will review your submission and follow up with either a response or a referral to the appropriate office or individual on campus.

If you intend to report a bias-related incident, please visit RIT’s Division of Diversity and Inclusion bias-related incident report form. Use this form only if you are not sure that the linked form is appropriate for your situation.

If you intend to report a Title IX-related incident, please be aware that members of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion are required to report incidents of sexual harassment and assault. For a confidential discussion of the situation and your available options, we recommend that you contact Amy Stornello, RIT/NTID’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

Reason for inquiry
1000 characters maximum
We are very busy. Any information you can provide, including how soon a response is needed, is helpful.