First Name
Last Name

Amanda Bui

Web and Mobile Computing

Information Technology Intern

Photo of Amanda Bui, young woman with dark hair, wearing yellow dress and white sweater, standing by Lockheed Martin sign.

Where is your hometown?
Fremont, CA

What is your degree program?
Mobile App Development - AAS

What is your graduation date from RIT/NTID?
May 9, 2020
Currently studying WMC, Web Mobile Computing, at RIT for Bachelor's degree, estimate graduation 2022

Where is your place of employment?
Lockheed Martin

What is your job title?
Information Technology Intern

What are your work responsibilities?
My work responsibilities include expansion of the department’s web presence with new service enhancements, expansion of the department’s product catalog with a mobile app, and product development for on and off premises hosting.

How does your career relate to your degree from RIT/NTID?
My co-op experience relates to my degree because I focused on using what I have learned in my MAD program for Lockheed Martin. This includes coding, design, and developing a mobile application.

Do you have any advice for any current students attending RIT/NTID?
My advice would be to always try your best, communicate, and show the world what you've got!