First Name
Last Name

Molly Rebekah Armes

American Sign Language-English Interpretation

VI - Video Interpreter

What is your full name?
Molly Rebekah Armes

Where is your hometown?
Erie, PA

What was your degree program at RIT/NTID?
My degree program at RIT/NTID was American Sign Language-English Interpretation.

What was your graduation date from RIT/NTID?
My graduation date was February 2011; I actually finished early in the year and my ceremony was in May 2011.

Where are you currently employed, and what is your job title?
I currently work at Sorenson VRS, and I serve as a VI - Video Interpreter.

What are your work responsibilities?
I process phone calls between deaf and hearing individuals. I also have the blessed opportunity of picking up community work through Sorenson.

How does your current job relate to your degree from RIT/NTID?
My current job is directly related to my degree; I went to RIT/NTID to learn how to be an ASL interpreter, and now I serve as an ASL interpreter in Rochester.

Do you have any advice for any current students attending RIT/NTID?
I am where I am by the grace of Jesus Christ. Seek Him first. Then take your classes seriously. Take your responsibilities seriously, do the work and take ownership of what you do. Daily, committed, faithful discipline is more important than quick fixes and cut corners.

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; " let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." Isaiah 55:6-7

God bless you!