First Name
Last Name

Natalya Dmitriyeva

Accounting - BS

Accounting Specialist

Young woman, long hair and glasses, standing in front of brick wall.

Odessa, Ukraine

Degree programs
B.S., Accounting

Year of graduation

Place of employment
Visions Hotels, Rochester, New York

Job Title
Accounting Specialist

Work Responsibilities
Visions Hotels is a hotel management company where, in addition to many small job tasks, I have three major projects I am responsible for each month. This first one is to do the Daily Revenue Entry (DYRV) on the Data Plus Hospitality Solutions (DPHS). I enter all of the assigned hotels revenue earned, tax liabilities recognized, payments posted and expenses incurred, and work to make the accounts receivable ledger, guest ledger, and advance deposit ledger changes. The goal is to maintain a zero balance with the debits and credits for every hotel. My second project is to work with the Bank Transactions Workbook on Excel. I gather all of the transactions from every assigned hotel and its connecting bank to match the amounts on the spreadsheet. The third project is doing the Financial Statement Closing (FSC) on Excel. This process is the most difficult, because I heavily rely on DPHS software for its detailed trial balance to record all of the cash, checks, and other revenue/expense transactions on the FSC Excel. Once I record those data, I also record the Bank Transactions data on the FSC spreadsheet. My goal is to balance the FSC for every hotel. I accomplish this with some assistance from my employer.

How my career relates to my degree from RIT/NTID
Three of the main courses I took—Intermediate Financial Accounting I & II and Computer Based Analysis—were most helpful in my current position because this position requires a good understanding of the whole financial statement process and the ability to use Excel spreadsheet skills and set up all of the formula. Those courses boosted my skills so I was able to use my knowledge and hands-on experience to be prepared for my current position. I applied at Visions Hotels for a full-time job while I was still in school and was hired. Then I was able to use that job to fulfill my co-op requirement for graduation.

You may find that advice that other students, advisors and professors give you can sometimes seem repetitive, but don’t just listen to these people. Take action! You can feel free to vent your frustrations to any advisor because it’s their job to guide you to become a successful employee or entrepreneur. Your job is to seek any resources around you to build your skills, especially your resume and your interview skills!