Barbara Jean “BJ” Wood

With more than 40 years of experience in the field of deaf rights, Barbara Jean “BJ” Wood is a dedicated advocate for deaf rights and communication-accessible services for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. Her career began as a consumer advocate, trainer, and manager at an independent living center, followed by a position at a state-level vocational rehabilitation office. In 1985, she was appointed by Governor Michael Dukakis to lead the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, where she transformed the commission into a national model, emphasizing that with the right support services, deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals can succeed.
BJ is now retired, but continues to serve as a mentor and advisor. She previously held the role of executive director of the Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, where she worked to make government services more efficient and accessible. Throughout her career, she served on the board of the National Association of the Deaf and was co-chair of the Interpreting Task Force, collaborating with the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. She was also the vice-chair of the NAD Fulton 3 committee, where she aimed to leverage her experiences from both Massachusetts and Colorado to address member needs and strengthen the organization.
An influential national leader, BJ is known for her innovative approach and has advised numerous organizations on public policy and systemic changes. She holds a bachelor's degree in social work from RIT. BJ resides in Woburn, Massachusetts, with her partner, LeWana Clark. Her vibrant speaking style and tireless advocacy exemplify her commitment to empowering individuals with disabilities to overcome barriers in our technology- and communication-dependent world.