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 One type of assessment evaluates student behaviors that might affect their performance in the classroom. This assessment was adapted from one that was designed to measure listening, speaking and non-verbal competencies of normal hearing high school and college students within an educational setting.


 The screening evaluates competence across a range of contexts. Students make a presentation, conduct an interview with a non-signing partner, and answer questions after viewing a videotaped lecture delivered in simultaneous-communication.


Instructions for the Communication Assessment Screening

Students are assessed on ten competencies. The goal for each competency is listed on a feedback form that is shared with the student and, when appropriate, other parties such as a counselor or referring instructor.

Feedback form on Communication Assessment Screening

Tasks and Competencies


1) Make a presentation about yourself and why you chose your major

  • Introduction of self
  • Description of personal interests
  • Facial expression/body language
  • Expressive intelligibility
  • Presentation strategies
  • Amount and conciseness of information
  • Whether reasons are supported with examples
  • Appropriateness of facial expression and body language
  • Awareness of presentation strategies

2) Interview a person who does not know sign language

  • Question formulation
  • Strategies for expressive communication without sign language
  • Strategies for comprehension
  • Choice of communication mode (e.g., write, speak, type)
  • Use of relevant, appropriate questions to elicit information about a career
  • Grammar and word selection
  • Use of expressive and receptive strategies

3) Comprehension of lecture information

  • Understanding of general content
  • Understanding of specific information
  • Ability to comprehend lecture
  • Ability to identify general and specific information

Assessment Follow-up

Feedback on the competencies is provided as written comments and/or as numerical ratings. Assessment goals, results and recommendations are discussed with students. If requested, the evaluator, the classroom instructor, and the student can meet to discuss individual strengths or weaknesses and strategies for addressing inconsistencies.

Feedback on Communication Assessment Screening form* for a student who shows stronger expressive than receptive skills.

*Adapted from: Communication Competency Assessment Instrument, Revised Edition by Rebecca B. Rubin, Ph.D., Kent State University, Spectra Publishers (1994).