Vivint Home Security Device
This course was structured around the typical challenges a staff industrial designer will face when applying overarching appearance and usability guidelines or design language guidelines to a suite of products that form a larger system.
Seniors in RIT's Industrial Design program were responsible for researching a known brand and its products, identifying a suite of three products from a furnished list of product systems, and work within constraints they developed to create final product designs that address basic branding, form, CMF (Color, Materials and Finishes) and UI (User Interface) design cues that they have identified in their research. One of the three products will require a major redesign. The second product required a front cover or main enclosure change to an existing product. The third product in the suite required color and graphic changes that also align with the language.
Possible product systems:
-- Residential or Small Retail Security
-- Infant Monitors
-- Home Energy Management