Important Updates

GCCIS Proposal Notification Webform

In order to ensure timely communication and business continuity while the RIT community is working remotely, SRS is asking GCCIS Principal Investigators to notify us of their intent to submit new proposals through the following webform:

Read More About GCCIS Proposal Notification Webform

Sponsor Updates for Researchers and Coronavirus

Federal and other sponsoring agencies are issuing guidance on the corona virus and impacts for current and prospective award recipients.  We will list available information below and update it as new information becomes available.  Note that agencies are updating COVID-19 related guidance is frequently.

Read More About Sponsor Updates for Researchers and Coronavirus

Exploring the NSF 2026 Idea Machine

NSF recently issued Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) NSF 20-041 inviting proposals for Conferences and EAGER grants following the themes of the top Idea Machine entries. The 2026 Idea Machine is further described in the DCL. NSF has narrowed entries to a set of 33 ideas representing compelling areas for fundamental research in science and engineering in the coming years.

Read More About Exploring the NSF 2026 Idea Machine