Applied Mechanical Technology Associate in Applied Science Degree

Applied Mechanical Technology
Associate in Applied Science Degree
- RIT /
- Rochester Institute of Technology /
- Academics /
- Applied Mechanical Technology AAS
Discover the world of Applied Mechanical Technology AAS at RIT. Gain practical skills for a rewarding career in the mechanical engineering field.
Overview for Applied Mechanical Technology AAS
The associate in applied science (AAS) in applied mechanical technology is an Associate+Bachelor’s degree program that prepares students to enter and successfully complete a bachelor’s degree program in RIT's College of Engineering Technology. The program offers you unparalleled academic support and students strengthen their skills by taking courses taught by NTID faculty. This program is available for qualified deaf and hard of hearing students.
You’ll start with an AAS degree in applied mechanical technology through RIT's National Technical Institute for the Deaf, which provides you with the courses and credit you need to enroll in an RIT bachelor’s degree program. Upon completion of your AAS program, provided you maintain a 2.5 grade point average or higher, you will enroll in RIT’s College of Engineering Technology, where you can major either in mechanical engineering technology, mechatronics engineering technology, or robotics and manufacturing engineering technology.
Students who graduate in good standing and have maintained a grade of C or better in the six “NETS” courses should be well prepared for RIT’s College of Engineering Technology.
Learn more about the benefits of pursuing an Associate+Bachelor’s Degree Program.
RIT/NTID Spring Open House
Visit campus on April 18 or April 25 to meet faculty, tour campus, and ask your questions.
Curriculum for 2024-2025 for Applied Mechanical Technology AAS
Current Students: See Curriculum Requirements
Applied Mechanical Technology, AAS degree, typical course sequence
Course | Sem. Cr. Hrs. | |
First Year | ||
CHMG-131 | General Chemistry for Engineers (General Education) This rigorous course is primarily for, but not limited to, engineering students. Topics include an introduction to some basic concepts in chemistry, stoichiometry, First Law of Thermodynamics, thermochemistry, electronic theory of composition and structure, and chemical bonding. The lecture is supported by workshop-style problem sessions. Offered in traditional and online format. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). |
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MATH-171 | Calculus A (General Education) This is the first course in a three-course sequence (COS-MATH-171, -172, -173). This course includes a study of precalculus, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, continuity, and differentiability. Limits of functions are used to study continuity and differentiability. The study of the derivative includes the definition, basic rules, and implicit differentiation. Applications of the derivative include optimization and related-rates problems. (Prerequisites: Completion of the math placement exam or C- or better in MATH-111 or C- or better in ((NMTH-260 or NMTH-272 or NMTH-275) and NMTH-220) or equivalent course.) Lecture 5 (Fall, Spring). |
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MATH-172 | Calculus B (General Education) This is the second course in three-course sequence (COS-MATH-171, -172, -173). The course includes Riemann sums, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration, and applications of the definite integral. The techniques of integration include substitution and integration by parts. The applications of the definite integral include areas between curves, and the calculation of volume. (Prerequisites: C- or better in MATH-171 or 1016-171T or 1016-281 or 1016-231 or equivalent course.) Lecture 5 (Fall, Spring). |
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NCAR-010 | Freshman Seminar The course provides incoming deaf and hard-of-hearing students admitted to NTID undergraduate programs with opportunities to develop/enhance academic skills, personal awareness, and community involvement in order to maximize their college experience. Students will have opportunities to explore and navigate the college environment, develop/reinforce academic skills, and participate in experiential learning opportunities while establishing meaningful connections with faculty, staff and peers. The course promotes the development of plans for ongoing growth and involvement in class and in the RIT/NTID and/or broader community. (NTID Supported Students.) Lec/Lab 2 (Fall, Spring). |
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NETS-101 | Fundamentals of Engineering This course will introduce students to the field of mechanical engineering technology through an exposition of its disciplines, including basic mechanics, fluid power, and energy. Students will be introduced to design and engineering problem solving methods that will be applied to problems in the aforementioned topic areas. Students will analyze data, perform design calculations, solve equations, and program devices. Project reports are generated through the integration of these tools with word processing and presentation software. The application of software tools to the engineering design process will be emphasized throughout. (NTID Supported Students.) Lab 4, Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring). |
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NETS-110 | Foundations of Materials This course introduces students to the commonly used families of materials. It focuses on the fundamental principles of properties of materials utilized in the practice of engineering. Metals, ceramics, polymeric materials and composites are studied, with a particular emphasis in steels and non-ferrous metals. Material selection is also discussed. (Prerequisites: NTID supported student.
Co-requisites: NETS-111 or equivalent course.) Lecture 2 (Fall). |
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NETS-111 | Foundations of Materials Lab Properties of materials will be determined through experimentation and use of reference sources. (Prerequisites: NTID supported student.
Co-requisites: NETS-110 or equivalent course.) Lab 2 (Fall). |
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NETS-120 | Manufacturing Processes This introductory course investigates the four major categories of traditional manufacturing processes as well as newly developed non-traditional techniques. This course focuses on understanding the concepts of past and current manufacturing processes. Students will learn how typical industrial piece parts and assemblies are manufactured. Topics focus on processes and related theory for the traditional manufacturing processes of material removal, metal forming, joining, casting and molding, as well as more recently developed processes such as powder metallurgy, rapid prototyping, EDM, chemical machining, water jet, LASER and plasma cutting. (NTID Supported Students.) Lec/Lab 5 (Spring). |
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NETS-150 | Mechanical Design & Fabrication This introductory course investigates basic engineering concepts and how they relate to traditional manufacturing processes and techniques. Topics will emphasize the design of components through the use of solid modeling, dimensioning, tolerancing, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, and statistics. In a related laboratory course, students will be expected to build, inspect, and integrate their designs. (Prerequisites: NTID supported student.
Co-requisites: NETS-151 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Spring). |
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NETS-151 | Mechanical Design & Fabrication Lab This lab course integrates basic manufacturing techniques with engineering design concepts. Traditional machine shop tools and precision measuring instruments will be used by the students as they create the objects that they designed in the related classroom course. (Prerequisites:NTID supported student.
Co-requisites: NETS-150 or equivalent course.) Lab 2 (Spring). |
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PHYS-111 | College Physics I (General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective) This is an introductory course in algebra-based physics focusing on mechanics and waves. Topics include kinematics, planar motion, Newton’s laws, gravitation; rotational kinematics and dynamics; work and energy; momentum and impulse; conservation laws; simple harmonic motion; waves; data presentation/analysis and error propagation. The course is taught using both traditional lectures and a workshop format that integrates material traditionally found in separate lecture, recitation, and laboratory settings. Attendance at the scheduled evening sessions of this class is required for exams. There will be 2 or 3 of these evening exams during the semester. Competency in algebra, geometry and trigonometry is required. Lab 4, Lecture 2 (Fall, Spring, Summer). |
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UWRT-150 | FYW: Writing Seminar (WI) (General Education – First Year Writing) Writing Seminar is a three-credit course limited to 19 students per section. The course is designed to develop first-year students’ proficiency in analytical and rhetorical reading and writing, and critical thinking. Students will read, understand, and interpret a variety of non-fiction texts representing different cultural perspectives and/or academic disciplines. These texts are designed to challenge students intellectually and to stimulate their writing for a variety of contexts and purposes. Through inquiry-based assignment sequences, students will develop academic research and literacy practices that will be further strengthened throughout their academic careers. Particular attention will be given to the writing process, including an emphasis on teacher-student conferencing, critical self-assessment, class discussion, peer review, formal and informal writing, research, and revision. Small class size promotes frequent student-instructor and student-student interaction. The course also emphasizes the principles of intellectual property and academic integrity for both current academic and future professional writing. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer). |
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Program Elective* |
3 | |
Second Year | ||
EEET-115 | Circuits I This course develops student skills to analyze and design DC and AC circuits. DC topics include resistance; Ohm’s Law; current and voltage division; simplification of series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits; Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Kirchhoff’s Current Laws, and nodal analysis. Additional circuit analysis concepts covered include Thevenin theorem, superposition theorem, and R-C and R-L transient analysis. AC circuit analysis topics include sinusoidal waveforms as forcing functions; basic resistive, capacitive, and inductive elements; phasors; average power and series AC circuit analysis. Reactance and impedance are introduced and used to solve AC series circuits. (Co-requisite: EEET-116 and MATH-111 or MATH-171 or MATH-181 or MATH-181A or equivalent course.) Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Fall, Spring). |
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EEET-116 | Circuits I Lab This laboratory develops skills and practice in the construction, measurement, and analysis of DC and introductory AC circuits. Standard laboratory equipment is introduced and utilized to measure resistance, voltage, and current in basic and relatively complex circuit configurations. Measurements are employed to demonstrate Ohm's Law, Kirchoff’s Voltage Law, Kirchoff’s Current Law, current division, and voltage division. Circuit simulation software is used to support calculations and establish a baseline for comparison. Students collaborate within teams during the laboratory experience. (Co-requisite: EEET-115 or equivalent course.) Lab 2 (Fall, Spring). |
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MATH-211 | Elements of Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations This course includes an introduction to differential equations, Laplace transforms, numerical methods in differential equations, and the calculus of functions of two variables. The emphasis is on the application of these topics to problems in engineering technology. (Prerequisites: C- or better MATH-172 or MATH-182 or MATH 182A or 1016-232 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring). |
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MCET-210 | Foundations of Non-Metallic Materials This course will cover the process of selecting a best material for a given design application with a focus on polymeric materials. To support this process material families, strengthening mechanisms, and degradation mechanisms and prevention will be studied. The materials selection process will include economic, ecological, and ethical considerations. An emphasis is placed on the interrelationship of structure, process, and properties. This class expands upon concepts presented in MCET-110. (Prerequisites: C- or better in (CHMG-131 or CHMG-141 or CHEM-151) and (MCET-110 and MCET-111) or (NETS-110 and NETS-111) or (MECE-304 or MECE-305 and MECE-306) or equivalent courses.
Corequisite: MCET-211 or equivalent course.) Lecture 2 (Fall, Spring). |
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MCET-211 | Characterization of Non-Metallic Materials Lab This course will consist of laboratory experiences which focus on property characterization of the properties of polymeric materials. (Co-requisites: MCET-210 or equivalent course.) Lab 2 (Fall, Spring). |
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MCET-220 | Principles of Statics This course provides an introduction to the analysis and design of structures and machines. Students learn to calculate unknown forces using the concept of equilibrium and free body diagrams and to calculate simple stresses and deflections for axially loaded members. Topics include forces, moments, free body diagrams, equilibrium, friction, stress, strain, and deflection. Examples are drawn from mechanical, manufacturing, and civil engineering technology. Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Fall, Spring). |
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Choose one of the following: | 3 |
MCET-221 | Strength of Materials This course provides an introduction to the analysis and design of structures and machines. Students learn to calculate stresses and deflections in axially loaded members, beams, shafts, and columns. Topics include statically indeterminate problems, thermal stress, stress concentration, combined stress by superposition, and stress transformation equations. Students also gain experience with teamwork, project management, and communications as they complete recitation and project assignments. This course provides an introduction to the analysis and design of structures and machines. Students learn to calculate stresses and deflections in axially loaded members, beams, shafts, and columns. Topics include statically indeterminate problems, thermal stress, stress concentration, combined stress by superposition, and stress transformation equations. Students also gain experience with teamwork, project management, and communications as they complete recitation and project assignments. (Prerequisites: C- or better in MCET-220 or MECE-103 or CVET-210 or equivalent course.
Co-requisite: MCET-110 or NETS-110 or MECE-305 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Fall, Spring). |
MECA-290 | Mechanics for Mechatronics Students will learn the applications of mechanics through the examination of mechatronic elements and systems. It is broken into two parts: Fundamentals of Mechanics of Materials (a.k.a. Strength of Materials) You will learn to calculate stresses and deflections in members loaded under axial, transverse, and torsional loads. Fundamentals of Dynamics You will learn to use kinematics (study of motion without regard to forces) and kinetics (study of forces required to cause motion, e.g., Newton’s Laws of Motion) to calculate the motion of particles and rigid bodies in motion. You will also gain experience with computational tools, laboratory equipment, experimental methods, teamwork, project management and communications as you complete project assignments. (Prerequisites: C- or better in MCET-220 or MECE-103 or CVET-210 or equivalent course.
Co-requisite: MCET-110 or NETS-110 or MECE-305 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3, Recitation 1 (Fall, Spring). |
PHYS-112 | College Physics II (General Education) This course is an introduction to algebra-based physics focusing on thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and elementary topics in modern physics. Topics include heat and temperature, laws of thermodynamics, electric and magnetic forces and fields, DC and AC electrical circuits, electromagnetic induction, the concept of the photon, and the Bohr model of the atom. The course is taught using both traditional lectures and a workshop format that integrates material traditionally found in separate lecture, recitation, and laboratory settings. Attendance at the scheduled evening sessions of this class is required for exams. There will be 2 or 3 of these evening exams during the semester. (Prerequisites: PHYS-111 or PHYS-211 or equivalent course.) Lab 4, Lecture 2 (Fall, Spring). |
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General Education – Ethical Perspective |
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General Education – Artistic Perspective |
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General Education – Global Perspective |
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General Education – Social Perspective |
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Total Semester Credit Hours | 64 |
Please see the NTID General Education Curriculum (GE) for more information.
Please see Wellness Education Requirement for more information. Students completing associate degrees are required to complete one Wellness course.
* The Program Elective in the first semester is typically based on science, mathematics, or English placement. Students may select Critical Reading & Writing (UWRT-100), Precalculus (MATH-111), Accelerated Algebra II (NMTH-272), Advanced Mathematics (NMTH-275), Concepts of College Physics (NSCI-270), or another course as determined by the department chairperson. Students who need to take precalculus can take (NMTH-272 Accelerated Algebra II or NMTH-275 Advanced Mathematics) and NMTH-220 Trigonometry to satisfy the MATH-171 Calculus A pre-requisite.
Admissions and Financial Aid
For the AAS degree leading to bachelor’s degree (Associate+Bachelor’s program)
- 2 years of math required; students interested in engineering, math and science transfer programs should have three or more years of math.
- 1 year of science required; students interested in engineering, math and science transfer programs should have two or more years of science.
- Physics is recommended for students interested in engineering.
- English language skills, as evidenced by application materials, determine associate degree options.
Specific requirements
- English: Placement into a First Year Writing course, such as FYW: Writing Seminar (UWRT-150) or Critical Reading and Writing (UWRT-100).
- Mathematics: Entrance into NTID’s Advanced Math (NMTH-275) or higher, such as Pre-calculus (MATH-111).
- Science: Entrance into the College of Science’s College Physics I (PHYS-111) course; however, students who did not take physics in high school are recommended to take a bridging physics course at NTID, such as Concepts of College Physics (NSCI-270).
- ACT (optional): The ACT middle 50% composite score is 18-21.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
100% of all incoming first-year and transfer students receive aid.
RIT’s personalized and comprehensive financial aid program includes scholarships, grants, loans, and campus employment programs. When all these are put to work, your actual cost may be much lower than the published estimated cost of attendance.
Learn more about financial aid and scholarships
- Karen Beiter
- Interim Department Chair
- Department of Engineering Studies
- National Technical Institute for the Deaf
- 585‑286‑4546
Department of Engineering Studies