2023 Summer Institute
The 2023 CTL's Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning featured a variety of workshops, presentations, and discussions led by RIT faculty and nationally-recognized experts. Topics included active learning, assessment, technology in the classroom, and inclusive teaching.
Nationally-Recognized Workshop leaders, Dr. Andy Gerhart and Dr. Danica Savonick, along with many of your RIT friends and colleagues, as we build our pedagogical strategies, focusing on small- and large-scale active learning and advanced active learning techniques.
The Breakout Sessions were track-based and participants chose to attend any of the tracks on site. The tracks were: Small-Scale Active Learning, Large-Scale Active Learning, and Advanced Active Learning Techniques.
Track topics included: “Aiming High: Using Higher-Order Thinking,” “Teach Smarter, Not Harder: How ChatGPT Can Help,” “Using Imagery to Spark Active Learning,” and many others!
CTL Staff hosted technology Q&A sessions, and opportunities to sit down with CTL team members to discuss faculty's own course designs.