2024 Summer Institute Presenter Materials

Keynote Speakers

Workshop Presenters

Tuesday, May 14

Wednesday, May 15

PLIG Showcase Presenters

2023 PLIG: Active Learning, Near-peer Teaching (NPT) and Conceptual Scaffolding between First-year Writing (UWRT 150) sections and a Writing-Intensive (WI) course section (UWRT 325), Phil Shaw & Ruth Book

2022 PLIG: Advancing Student Success in an Introductory Civil Engineering Technology Course, Yewande Abraham 

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2023 PLIG: Computer Generated Artwork for Teaching Computer Science and Making (Supplies), Thomas B. Kinsman

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2023 PLIG: Emerging Technology Foundation, Ihab Mardini

2022 PLIG: Leveraging Learning Assistants to Provide Personalized Feedback to Refocus Student Efforts Toward Learning Objectives Dina Newman, Lea MichelMichael Gleghorn & Emily Mehlman

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2023 PLIG: Statistics Modules for Teaching Research Methods, A. Eleanor Chand-Matzke

2023 PLIG: Student Retention Predictive Model Using Advanced Learning Validation in Web and Mobile Computing, Alan Mutka

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2022 PLIG: Teaching Precalculus in a "Just in Time" Format in Calculus, Deana Olles, Carrie Lahnovych, Olga Tsukernik

2022 PLIG: Active Learning in Developmental Psychology, Jessamy Comer

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2023 PLIG: Active Learning in Structural Engineering Courses Using Generative AI and 3D Printing, Amanda Bao

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2022 PLIG: Assessment and Improvement of Baseball Biometrics, William Brewer, Rob Grow, Yong Tai Wang

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2022 PLIG: Building Capacity for Teaching XR in Journalism, Thomas Dooley

2022 PLIG: CAD/CLA Introduction to Augmented Reality course, Susan Lakin & Thomas Dooley

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2023 PLIG: Character and Crowds Course Collaboration, Shaun Foster, Alejandro Perez Sanchez

2023 PLIG: Creating a Collaborative Workspace Using Extended Reality, Keli DiRisio

2022 PLIG: Creating an Open Environmental Humanities Activities Book and Resource Hub for Environmental Studies Courses, Kaitlin Stack Whitney

2023 PLIG: Developing an Active Learning Abnormal Psychology Course, Jessamy Comer

2023 PLIG: Developing and Integrating Active Learning for Biopsychology, Rebecca Houston

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2023 PLIG: Developing Josiah Wedgwood's Legacy into a Large-Format SHED Course Peter Pincus

2023 PLIG: Industrial Design Product Archive, Marissa Tirone

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2022 PLIG: Introducing Neuromarketing Techniques, Emi Moriuchi

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2022 PLIG: Mythology through Experiential Learning, Jude Okpala

2022 PLIG: Online Course - A Complete Guide on Character Setup and Automated Animations in Aftereffects, Meghdad Asadilari

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2022 PLIG: Supplementing Theoretical Modeling with Empirical Data for Improved Design, Jennifer Bailey, Steven Day

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2022 PLIG: TeachSHED: CAD, Rebecca Aloisio, Gina Ferrari

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2023 PLIG: Team Teaching Introduction to Biology: Fostering a Sense of Belonging in a Large Enrollment Classroom, Dawn Carter

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2022 PLIG: To TA? or Not To TA? – When desperation for classroom help demands a structured approach to TA’s in large enrollment active learning classes, Sandi Connelly, Emily Coon, Michelle Weatherell