Student Testimonials About Active Learning

These testimonials are from students in courses that used active learning.

Active Learning Helps Students Understand Course Material

people gathered around computer

"The group activities. Working with my upper-year, more experienced peers helped me gain a better understanding of software development skills."

people sitting around a table talking

"Our ethical-based assignments helped provide real world situations and enhanced my understanding of ethical practices."

students working on a problem on the whiteboard

"The whiteboarding sessions help increase my understanding of material. Collaboratively working on problems and getting feedback helps a lot."

students working together at table with instructor checking in

"Workshops applying the material we had gone over in lecture helped me understand the different applications for the material as well as how to apply them."

Active Learning Helps Students Develop Professional Skills

students working together on a project

"Groupwork helped me improve my interpersonal skills and how to work together to solve a common end goal."

students working on projects on computer

"This class helped me understand planning when work should be done and how much in advance."

student presenting to class

"It helped practicing presentations and writing documents like those used in a professional communication setting."

students working on a model

"The biology lab activity helped me be able to categorize and organize things, and ask specific questions to get closer to an answer. In the professional field, being able to ask good questions is very important."