News by Topic: Co-Op And Careers

  • May 11, 2021

    environmental portrait of student Joanna C. S. Santos.

    Ph.D. students take different career paths

    More than 50 students are expected to earn their Ph.D. degrees by the end of June. The hooding ceremony, which will also include Ph.D. recipients in the class of 2020, is May 15.

  • May 11, 2021

    student working on laptop in a dorm room.

    RIT announces summer session course offerings

    Registration is open for RIT’s four summer sessions, where more than 350 courses in over 90 disciplines will be offered. Undergraduate and graduate students can take advantage of two five-week sessions and a 10-week session. Graduate students can also enroll in a targeted seven-week session.

  • May 10, 2021

    student elbow-bumps professor.

    RIT graduates prepare for careers in healthcare amidst pandemic

    Nearly 60 students will graduate this May from the College of Health Sciences and Technology’s clinical programs—physician assistant BS/MS, diagnostic medical sonography BS, and the echocardiography (cardiac ultrasound) certificate program. These students spend the final year of their programs immersed in practical work experience at clinics and hospitals in the region.

  • May 7, 2021

    A woman stands on a stairwell.

    Home grown leader builds a people-oriented industrial engineering career

    Laura Discavage originally wanted to go to an out-of-state college, but RIT’s engineering program intrigued her. She learned about RIT while growing up from her mom, Maria Burgio ’87 (computer science). And after a conversation with a family friend about his work as an industrial engineer, she applied to RIT, and found the community she was seeking.

  • May 6, 2021

    environmental portrait of student Stephanie Liu.

    New media design graduate taking talents to Amazon Web Services

    While she’ll look back on the pandemic as a most challenging time, graduating new media design student Stephanie Liu also takes pride in knowing how well she rose to the occasion. At the culmination of her internship with Amazon Web Services, the Chicago native was offered a full-time position as a user experience (UX) designer, starting in July.

  • May 5, 2021

    A group of three people posing for a photo in a living room.

    CET graduate Kamille Davis excels as a mentor on and off campus

    Kamille Davis may have followed her brothers to RIT, but she is a leader in her own right. As the third in her family to graduate from the mechanical engineering technology program, Davis set her own pace early—excelling in classes, on the basketball court, in the laboratory, and in the community.

  • April 28, 2021

    student and professor looking at stacks of boxes.

    Students learn supply chain management by solving real-world problems

    The impact of COVID-19 on national and global supply chains has dominated discussions in boardrooms and at dinner tables since the beginning of the pandemic. While this unprecedented global health crisis has created many challenges, it has also presented RIT faculty and students with opportunities to apply theoretical supply-chain scenarios to solve real-world problems.