News by Topic: Interdisciplinary Studies

At RIT, combining aspects from different fields of study is the best way to make world-changing discoveries and find creative ways to solve problems. RIT encouraged collaboration across academic programs and departments to encourage creative thinking and innovation.

  • November 17, 2023

    woman smiling and standing next to a white wall.

    Liberal Arts alumna tackles national security challenges

    The employee roster of Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is, as expected, full of scientists, engineers, and cybersecurity experts. But there is one RIT College of Liberal Arts alumna among the ranks of experts at the lab working to solve some of the nation’s most complex national security challenges.

  • November 15, 2023

    logo for the United States Department of Education, featuring a tree in the middle of the seal.

    Faculty receive new grant to expand foreign language education offerings with a focus on STEAM

    Faculty in RIT’s Modern Languages and Cultures department received an International Research and Studies grant from the U.S. Department of Education to fund the development of new materials and curricula for Chinese, Italian, and Spanish courses that focus on STEAM. Associate Professor Zhong Chen, Principal Lecturer Elisabetta D’Amanda, and Department Chair Sara Armengot will spend the next three years developing, testing, and implementing the new materials in the classroom.

  • November 3, 2023

    researcher wearing a white lab coat posing in a lab.

    RIT researcher looks for genetic switch to prevent ‘sleeping sickness’ in cattle

    RIT researcher Bolaji Thomas is leading a $650,000 study to compare the genetic response in cattle in sub-Saharan Africa to the parasitic disease Trypanosomiasis, or “sleeping sickness,” that attacks their blood and brain. As parasites adapt to a warming world, the biting fly that transmits Trypanosomiasis could someday migrate to northern climates.

  • October 17, 2023

    collage of photos showing a college student looking at a tower of pink and red ribbons, college students in a lab, students ballet dancing, students outside of a stone castle, a student and villagers in an African village, and a researcher adjusting sensors on a person's head.

    Perpetually creating the future of RIT

    RIT President David Munson set a vision for “perpetual creation” to more than 300 volunteer university leaders during Brick City Homecoming and Family Weekend.

  • October 13, 2023

    17 people lined up holding giant pairs of scissors in front of an orange ribbon.

    Inspiring imaginations, SHED dedicated with official ribbon-cutting ceremony

    With oversized orange scissors and an orange ribbon, the Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) was officially dedicated Thursday, Oct. 12, in the center of the RIT campus. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was part of Brick City Homecoming and Family Weekend, as the Board of Trustees, President’s Roundtable, and many national advisory councils and volunteer groups are on campus for the celebratory weekend.

  • October 4, 2023

    a large, open atrium surrounded by glass walls.

    RIT to host a2ru student summit in March 2024

    Dozens of young scholars will convene at RIT next year as the university hosts the next a2ru Emerging Creatives Student Summit. The student participants will work in interdisciplinary teams from across the a2ru network to create arts-integrative projects responding to the theme “PLAY: The Impact of Play on How We Create and Relate to the World.”

  • October 4, 2023

    college students wearing white lab coats working in a science lab.

    RIT surpasses $94 million in new research awards

    RIT reached another record year in sponsored research awards, attaining more than $94 million in fiscal year 2022-2023. Some key areas of research include nanotechnology, optics and imaging science, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and growth in life sciences and health fields.

  • October 2, 2023

    cartoonist Leigh Rubin wearing an R I T T-shirt leaning against a brick wall.

    ‘Rubes’ artist Leigh Rubin explores creative thinking in new book

    Syndicated cartoonist Leigh Rubin explores the creative process in his new book, Think Like a Cartoonist: A Celebration of Humor and Creativity, published by RIT Press. In the book, Rubin compiles examples of creative problem solving, showing the general benefit of his approach to “connecting the dots,” bending the rules, and asking questions in different ways.