News by Topic: Research

  • February 21, 2019

    logo for RIT intersections: the RIT podcast.

    Podcast: Protecting us from Fake News 

    Intersections: The RIT Podcast, Ep. 9: In the digital age, how can you be so sure that the photo, video or audio being shared on social media hasn’t somehow been altered or manipulated? Associate professor of photography Christye Sisson and motion picture science undergraduate student Owen Thompson discuss media forensics and its role in protecting us all from fake news.

  • February 14, 2019

    bright and colorful stars in space

    Faculty appointed leader of the Cosmic Evolution Survey

    Assistant Professor Jeyhan Kartaltepe is assuming leadership of a team of more than 200 scientists worldwide collaborating to study how galaxies are influenced by both their fundamental physical properties and the environment that surrounds them. 

  • February 13, 2019

    Comic drawing of blonde woman being held by and screaming at skeleton creature

    RIT Press publishes 'The Comics Scare Returns'

    From cultural pariah to pop-culture cool and multimedia phenomenon, horror comics have had a bumpy road to mainstream America but now wield an undeniable influence. Terrence Wandtke explores the genre in The Comics Scare Returns: The Contemporary Resurgence of Horror Comics, published by RIT Press.

  • January 31, 2019

    woman in gray tights and white top sits in open-concept lounge area

    Is the design of the modern office helping or hurting employees?

    Can modern office spaces really determine whether employees thrive or fail? Yes they can, according to new research by RIT Professor Shal Khazanchi that examines how physical workspace design impacts interpersonal relationships, and employee success and productivity.

  • January 24, 2019

    groups of students present posters to visitors

    GRE fails to identify successful Ph.D. students

    A team of researchers led by RIT Professor Casey Miller discovered that traditional admissions metrics for physics Ph.D. programs such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) do not predict completion and hurt the growth of diversity in physics.

  • January 18, 2019

    Bank of computer servers and monitors

    RIT readies for new Global Cybersecurity Institute

    Site preparation is underway for RIT’s Global Cybersecurity Institute, a new wing of the Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences that will help the university become a nexus of cybersecurity education and research.