Faculty Scholarship 2021

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics

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Quang Bui

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Bui, S., Le-Nguyen, K., Bui, Q., Jacks, T., & Prashant, P. (2021). IT Workplace Preferences, Job Demands, and Work Exhaustion. Journal of Computer Information Systems. . .

Bui, Q., & Moriuchi, E. (2021). Economic and Social Factors That Predict Readmission for Mental Health and Drug Abuse Patients. Sustainability. 13. 531-542.

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Sorim Chung

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Published Conference Proceedings

Gupta, M., & Chung, S. (2021). Does the Pandemic Influence the Country of Origin Effect? Higher Purchase Intentions toward Face Masks from Developing Countries. Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP).

Gupta, M., & Chung, S. (2021). Does the Pandemic Influence the Country of Origin Effect? Higher Purchase Intentions toward Face Masks from Developing Countries. American Marketing Association (AMA).

Chung, S., & Karampela, M. (2021). The Role of Perceived Risk and Device Type in Online Crowdfunding Decisions. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Chung, S., & Karampela, M. (2021). The Role of Perceived Risk and Device Type in Online Crowdfunding Decisions. Association for Consumer Research (ACR).

Gupta, M., & Chung, S. (2021). Does the Pandemic Influence the Country of Origin Effect? Higher Purchase Intentions toward Face Masks from Developing Countries. Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP).

Gupta, M., & Chung, S. (2021). Does the Pandemic Influence the Country of Origin Effect? Higher Purchase Intentions toward Face Masks from Developing Countries. American Marketing Association (AMA).

Invited Article/Publication

Chung, S., & Hair, N. (2021). The Adverse Effects of Mobile Devices on Willingness to Donate and Online Fundraising Outcomes. International Journal of Advertising. 50. 1343–1365.

Chung, S., & Karampela, M. (2021). The Role of Perceived Risk and Device Type in Online Crowdfunding Decisions. Advances in Consumer Research. 49. 426-427.

Chung, S., & Karampela, M. (2021). Investigating the Interplay of Device Type, Product Familiarity, and Shopping Motivations on the Accuracy of Product Size Estimations in E-Commerce Settings. Psychology and Marketing. 38. 1498–1512.

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Neil Hair

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Chung, S., & Hair, N. (2021). The Adverse Effects of Mobile Devices on Willingness to Donate and Online Fundraising Outcomes. International Journal of Advertising. 50. 1343–1365.

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Sean Hansen

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2021). Sustaining Collaborative Software Development through Strategic Consortium. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 30. 101671.

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Emi Moriuchi

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

(2021). Cross-Cultural Social Media Marketing: Bridging across Cultures. Moriuchi, E.,

Book Chapter

(2021). . Cross-Cultural Social Media Marketing: Bridging across Cultures. Moriuchi, E.,

Invited Article/Publication

Bui, Q., & Moriuchi, E. (2021). Economic and Social Factors Predicting Readmission for Mental Health and Drug Abuse Patients. Sustainability. . .

Moriuchi, E., (2021). An empirical study on anthropomorphism and engagement with disembodied AIs and consumers' re‐use behavior. Psychology and Marketing. 38. 21-42.

Moriuchi, E., (2021). An empirical study of consumers' intention to use biometric facial recognition as a payment method.. Psychology and Marketing. . .

Moriuchi, E., (2021). The impact of country of origin on consumers' pricing judgments in ecommerce settings. International Marketing Review. 38. 514-538.

Moriuchi, E., (2021). English Accent Variations in YouTube Voice-Over Ads and the Role of Perceptions on Attitude and Purchasing Intentions. Journal of Interactive Advertising. . .

Moriuchi, E., (2021). Do you see what I see?: An Cross-Cultural Eye-tracking Approach toward Product Reviews. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. . 1-20.

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Rajendran Murthy

Associate Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Kesgin, M., Murthy, R., & Lagiewski, R. (2021). Profiling food festivals by type, name and descriptive content: a population level study. British Food Journal. . .

Kesgin, M., Taheri, B., Murthy, R., Decker, J., & Gannon, M. (2021). Making Memories: A Consumer-Based Model of Authenticity Applied to Living History Sites. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 33. 3610-3635.

Ettlie, J., Muammer, O., & Miurthy, R. (2021). R&D Dynamic Capabilities in a Changing Regulatory Context. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. . .

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Victor Perotti

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Lambie, A., Tuten, T., & Perotti, V. (2021). To Share or Not to Share? Branded Content Sharing in Twitter. Atlantic Marketing Journal. . .

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Jesse Redlo

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Full Length Book

(2021). The proper role of higher education in a democratic society. Redlo, J., & Waight-Morabito, A.

(2021). Enabling technology for neuro-developmental disorders: From diagnosis to rehabilitation.. Redlo, J., & Dhir, H.

(2021). Barriers for teaching 21st-century competencies and the impact of digitalization. Redlo, J.,

Book Chapter

(2021). Student activism via shared governance in higher education. The proper role of higher education in a democratic society. Redlo, J., & Waight-Morabito, A.

(2021). The use of educational technology to improve learning for persons with neuro-developmental disorders. Enabling technology for neuro-developmental disorders: From diagnosis to rehabilitation.. Redlo, J., & Dhir, H.

(2021). Barriers in teaching the 4 C's of 21st-century competencies: Dismantling the obstacles. Barriers for teaching 21st-century competencies and the impact of digitalization. Redlo, J.,

Published Conference Proceedings

Harris, K., & Redlo, J. (2021). Emergence of digitized gamification as an educational tool: Implications on digital literacy and equity.. AIJR Proceedings.

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Harris, K., & Redlo, J. (2021). Emergence of gamification as an educational tool: Implications on digital literacy and equity. Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing 2021 International Conference.

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Jing Tang

Assistant Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Keynote/Presentation

Lyytinen, K., Topi, H., & Tang, J. (2021). MaCude: Phase II- Industry Needs. WORKSHOPS & ANCILLARY MEETINGS (International Conference on Information Systems 2021).

Invited Article/Publication

Lyytinen, K., Topi, H., & Tang, J. (2021). Information Systems Curriculum Analysis for the MaCuDE Project. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). 49. 38.

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Ali Tosyali

Assistant Professor
Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Tosyali, A., & Tavakkol, B. (2021). A node-based index for clustering validation of graph data. Annals of Operations Research. . .

Tosyali, A., Choi, J., Kim, B., Lee, H., & Jeong, M. (2021). A dynamic graph-based approach to ranking firms for identifying key players using inter-firm transactions. Annals of Operations Research. . .

Tosyali, A., Song, R., Guo, W., Abolhassani, A., & Kalamdani, R. (2021). Data-Driven Gantry Health Monitoring and Process Status Identification Based on Texture Extraction. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering. . .

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Qiang Tu

Department of MIS, Marketing and Analytics
Saunders College of Business

2021 Submissions

Invited Article/Publication

Liu, M., Hansen, S., & Tu, Q. (2021). Sustaining Collaborative Software Development through Strategic Consortium. Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 30. .

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