Board of Trustees

The chief purpose of a board is more to provide for good governance than it is for itself to govern in detail. It is more important for the board to provide for effective governance than - for it to govern; it should spend more time on governance and less time on governing ... The board should neither abdicate its responsibilities to external or internal forces, nor bog itself down in the details of administration. It should not run the college, but it should assure that it is well run.* 

All of the activities of RIT Croatia are overseen by a Board of Trustees. The board is made of experts representing both American and Croatian business, academia, and government. The board meets twice a year to review the College's financial performance, as well as it's strategic goals.  

*Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, Governance of Higher Education: Six Priority Problems (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, April 1973), p.36 


The RIT Croatia’s Board of Trustees consists of eleven active trustees (including the President and Dean):