Global Scholars program at RIT Kosovo in Prishtina

Experience RIT Kosovo 

Kosovo, Europe’s newest democracy, is known as the country of "young Europeans.” Its citizens are well-educated, multilingual, dynamic and have an abundance of entrepreneurial spirit. Kosovo’s history is both a fascinating and tragic mix of conflict, occupation and emergence as a new country in the complicated political landscape of southeastern Europe. 

For over a decade it has been the focus of international organizations as it emerges as a member of the community of nations and aspires to EU membership. It is a country with a population of approximately two million people, of which 500,000 live in the capital city of Prishtina. More than 50% of the population is under the age of 30 and, as a result, the city possesses a vibrant nightlife and youthful culture. 

RIT Kosovo is located just outside of downtown Pristina, near the beautiful Germia National Park. The university is in walking distance from most housing, restaurants and other popular Pristina locations. Public transportation is also reliable and affordable.

Getting Started

Our academic year is divided into fall and spring semester. The International Student Office informs students about RIT Global Scholars program opportunities at the beginning of each semester. They organize info sessions and Study Abroad fairs with the aim to connect interested students with the ones that have previously attended the program. 

Application deadline for fall semester is in March, and for the spring semester in October. Exact deadlines are communicated to students via e-mails, and other promotional materials and social networks. 

Students are encouraged to join different events and activities to learn about potential of this great opportunity. 

Please note that only students who have acquired Sophomore status and higher can apply for the program. It is required that the RIT Croatia student spends a minimum of two semesters at home campus, before applying for the program, so we are sure that the student is academically strong to attend classes in a foreign country. 

For scheduling a meeting with study abroad advisor or any inquires contact us at . 

Housing Options

RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) is providing campus housing accommodation to its students. The student hostel, located on the campus has been built to offer a comfortable living area for the students. 

Although in-campus housing may not be available, all incoming RIT Global Scholars students will be assisted in finding private accommodation in the apartments near the campus.

Dining Options

There is a student cafeteria on campus that is opened from 8am to 6pm. There are no prepaid meal plans offered, students pay for the meals as they order them.


When you are approved for RIT Global Scholars Program at RIT Kosovo, please work with your academic advisor to select classes that complete your necessary degree requirements and also provide you with new and interesting course options! 
For exchanges that happen in the fall or spring semester, there are no pre-planned field trips. However, the Student Government of  RIT Kosovo does organize at least 1 trip per semester in one European country

Application Process

RIT Kosovo admits students on a rolling basis, and can admit students from other RIT campuses anytime from now until the beginning of semester. The benefit of applying earlier is that the applicant will have more course choices available. 

How to Apply

To apply as RIT Global Scholars student, the applicant needs to fill out the online form on the following link: . Afterwards, the Admissions Office and the Academic Affairs Office will guide the applicant regarding course choices.


Croatian citizens are not required to have a visa to enter Kosovo – they will only need to get a residence permit within 2 weeks of their arrival to Kosovo. RIT Kosovo staff will accompany the student to the government institution, and also inform students on all required documents when applying for a residence permit. 

Students of different citizenship can check whether they need a visa to enter Kosovo by following this link:,127 . 

Group of students having a picnic outside on at a picnic table

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