From Belgium to Croatia: How is Erasmus shaping Juliette's future
Juliette Collot is a 19-year-old Belgian student currently completing her Erasmus+ exchange program in Global Business Management at RIT Croatia. She is in her third and final year studying International Business at HELMo Guillemins in Liège.
When choosing a country and college for her Erasmus+ program, the idea of the American education system influenced Juliette's decision. Additionally, her aunt lives in Istria, so when Juliette came to Croatia to study, she felt at home. “I love the bakeries on every corner, the coffee breaks, and the view from my apartment in Zagreb“, she says. When asked about a memorable experience since coming to Croatia, Juliette recalls a trip to Zadar with her friends. “We saw the sunset at the Sea Organ near the water – it was incredible. Every day has something memorable because just being here is amazing“, she explains.
Learning skills beyond the classroom
Juliette had to take some time to adjust when arriving at the Zagreb campus. The American education system is different from the Belgian system. In Liège, Belgium, “almost none of my courses were mandatory, and although we had some projects and assignments, the focus was primarily on a big project and the final exams”, she explains. It took Juliette time to adjust to a different education system, but she appreciates how the professors engage with students and encourage participation. “The professors are very kind, and they made me feel comfortable even when I didn’t understand something. I also participate much more in class now, partly because I have pushed myself to speak English as much as possible, and partly because the environment encourages it”.
Erasmus+ program fosters both personal and professional growth, and Juliette is confident this experience will enrich her journey in many ways. So far, from the academic aspect, she has adapted to a different educational system, which has improved her ability to work in multicultural groups and active participation. With that, Juliette says studying at RIT Croatia contributed to her academic growth due to the Erasmus experience in general, but also because she was able to take courses that she finds interesting. “I love the course Organization Effectiveness Skills. Which is about self-development and helping others to grow. I think everyone should take this course at least once in their life”!
From a growth perspective, the Erasmus experience has helped Juliette become more confident, adaptable to new environments, and comfortable communicating in English. “The international connections I’m making will also be valuable for my future career, and the overall experience is teaching me life skills that go far beyond the classroom,” Juliette explains. She emphasized that much of the support comes from student workers, saying, “They always try to be as helpful as possible.”
For many students, the Erasmus experience is a transformative journey, both academically and personally. Juliette has embraced the challenges of adapting to a new education system while opening to cultural experiences, highlighting the value of study abroad programs in fostering personal growth. Juliette’s story reflects how stepping out of one's comfort zone can lead to invaluable lessons, and her advice to future Erasmus students is to “be prepared to work, but don’t hesitate to decide because it’s an amazing experience, and it will make you grow”!