RIT Croatia Alumni Association

The RIT Croatia Alumni Association includes more than 3,200 alumni.

The Alumni Association is an influential network that connects all generations of former students to establish their permanent and mutual cooperation and to help preserve the spirit of RIT Croatia.

RIT Croatia Alumni Association's goals are:

  • maintaining the tradition and building up the reputation of RIT Croatia,
  • establishing and strengthening cooperation between RIT Croatia and its alumni community,
  • establishing and strengthening the cooperation between RIT Croatia Alumni and the business community,
  • establishing and expanding the Association’s network of business contacts,
  • improving RIT Croatia Alumni competence by organizing various conferences, seminars, and other forms of professional development,
  • establishing and developing cooperation with the alumni association of our home institution, Rochester Institute of Technology, and other related associations.

The Association's activities include:

  • organizing alumni meetings through various activities (workshops, guest lectures, sport events, parties, etc.),
  • offering alumni a wide range of resources (online library, Alumni Online Community, and numerous other resources) for use after they graduate,
  • communicating news and information on the alumni community and current events at RIT Croatia,
  • providing information about business opportunities and other professional activities,
  • exchanging professional and work experience among association members, alumni, and current RIT Croatia students,
  • celebrating significant anniversaries,
  • reaching out to potential students about opportunities at RIT Croatia and raising awareness of the Alumni Referral Program,
  • participating in the Alumni Student Mentorship program.

We are immensely proud of the RIT Croatia Alumni Association and its extensive activities, which enable alumni to meet their professional needs and pursue their professional interests. If you are interested in more information concerning the RIT Croatia Alumni Association, please contact our Alumni Office at almcro@rit.edu.