RIT Global Scholars Experience

Maja Utrobicic

RIT has the amazing offer to study on three continents and get one degree, which drove my decision enroll RIT and I would regret to leave this opportunity behind. Above all I wanted to explore the country and culture of the Middle East. I took exciting courses like Arabic language, East-West Encounters and Islamic Culture just to name a few. Besides my studies, I made many interesting connections and visited a lot of places. The campus offers many extracurricular activities like sports clubs and excursions, what makes it easier to integrate. Above all I enjoyed the fusion of a fast-growing modern country with endless opportunities and the Islamic tradition.  As a tip I can advise to inform yourself about the culture and dos and don’ts in Dubai in advance, however everyone will be understanding and helpful in the beginning especially, so there is no need to be scared as long as one is respectful and open-minded at all times. It can be quite easy to spend a lot of money in Dubai due to the abundance of offers like shopping malls, restaurants etc. It is good to set a weekly target of an amount of money to spend to keep it under control. For me it helped a lot to prepare my own food and learn how the public transport connects the best way, speaking of busses and metros. Also, I could connect the program with my Co-op in Dubai, which was part of this lifetime experience and I learned a lot of exciting things different from everything I was used to so far. In the end I think it is important in our branch to be open-minded and get out of the comfort zone. This is why the Global Scholar Program for me was an excellent way to grow and set myself apart for my future career.

Maja Utrobičić was Hospitality and Tourism Management student at RIT Croatia, and she did RIT Global Scholars program in Dubai campus in the spring 2018.

Maja Utrobičić
RIT Global Scholars Experience