Waste Reduction

Our Efforts

Our waste comes from product packaging, food preparation, uneaten scraps, napkins, and disposable containers and utensils. We aim to minimize our ecological footprint by five measures: food sourcing, menu design, plant-based offerings, plastic reduction, and net zero goal. 

  • Thoughtful food sources by using local produce and supporting nearby farmers to reduce transportation emissions and promote community resilience. 
  • Smart menu design with health-focused, balanced, and minimally processed dishes. We consciously limit saturated fats, high fructose corn syrup, and sodium.
  • Diverse protein options with more plant-based choices and less red meat to improve environmental impact.
  • Paper bags, straws, and wood coffee stirrers replace plastic ware* and leverage fine china where possible. 
  • Minimize food waste and divert it from landfills to reach a net zero goal. 

*Plastic straws are available upon request only.


pounds of pre-consumer and post-consumer waste composted


of dining purchases are from locally operated businesses


containers eliminated from the waste streams annually with reusable containers

composting dirt


We partner with Impact Earth to compost all of our pre-consumer organic matter and hope to expand this initiative to include post-consumer composting in the near future.

ozzie box

Reduction of Polystyrene

We have minimized the use of polystyrene (Styrofoam) in our locations and have replaced it with recyclable containers made from polypropylene (number 5 plastic).

Our Partners

Foodlink logo


We composted over 514,000 pounds of pre-consumer and post-consumer waste, and donated over 8,300 pounds of food to date. Learn more >

EcoCraft logo


We utilize EcoCraft products made from recycled natural kraft paper using an FDA-approved chlorine-free manufacturing process and a soy-blended eco-wax, reducing dependence on the use of petroleum based products.

Ecolab logo


We use the Apex ware-washing system from Ecolab, which contains no phosphates and minimal packaging. Each dish machine has a computerized monitoring system which tracks usage and efficiency, allowing each machine to be adjusted to minimize water and energy consumption.

Regional Distributors logo

Regional Distributors, Inc.

Regional Distributors provides paper, plastic, and cleaning supplies that reduce our impact on the environment. Learn more >