Hassan Mustafa Headshot

Hassan Mustafa

Associate Professor of Digital Marketing

RIT Dubai

Hassan Mustafa

Associate Professor of Digital Marketing

RIT Dubai

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
An introduction to the field of marketing, stressing its role in the organization and society. Emphasis is on determining customer needs and wants and how the marketer can satisfy those needs through the controllable marketing variables of product, price, promotion and distribution.
3 Credits
Marketing research focuses on methods used to understand the changing needs of customers and markets to guide the decision-making of managers. The course emphasizes the data-driven elements of the marketing research process. Through hands-on methods, students will work through research problem formulation, data sources, data collection methods, and analysis.
3 Credits
Internet marketing is critical to an organization's overall strategy. This course focuses on tactics and strategies that enable marketers to fully leverage the internet. Topics include the overall internet marketing landscape, technologies, customer segmenting and targeting, search, analytics and emerging internet-marketing platforms.
3 Credits
A hands-on course focusing on developing marketing strategies for entering and competing in foreign countries. Topics include foreign market opportunity assessment, developing commercialization and entry strategies, understanding foreign customers and distribution channels, and communicating value through advertising and promotion in different markets.
3 Credits
A study of the determinants of buying behaviors. Emphasis is on identifying target markets and customer needs, internal and external influences on lifestyle and understanding the buying decision process.
3 Credits
Marketing analytics is the practice of measuring, managing and analyzing marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). Understanding marketing analytics allows marketers to be more efficient at their jobs and minimize wasted online and offline marketing dollars. It also provides marketers with the information necessary to help support company investment in marketing strategy and tactics. This course provides the participant with the necessary knowledge and practical insights that will help a marketing manager get more out of available data and take strategic advantage of the analysis. This interactive, participatory course is designed to answer key questions: “What is marketing analytics, how can marketing analytics improve my marketing efforts and how can I integrate marketing analytics into my business?
3 Credits
This course introduces the student to the general theories of Social Media Marketing and its relevance and importance as a Marketing tool. The student will learn how to create campaigns and the strategies and tactics in the most popular social media platforms, as generate reports and actions based on social media analytics.
0 Credits
One semester of paid work experience in marketing.
3 Credits
A capstone course that gives the student an in-depth knowledge of middle- and upper-management-level marketing problems and processes. Topics include tools used by marketing managers in the development, implementation and control of marketing plans. * Note: A completed co-op (MKTG-499) is required.

Website last updated: July 17, 2024