Accounts & Access
Accounts, access, and authentication tools protect RIT’s resources. Services in this category include RIT Computer Accounts, Multi-Factor Authentication, ID Cards and more.
RIT students are granted RIT Computer Accounts automatically. Alumni retain their RIT Computer Accounts post-graduation however they need to be renewed annually to prevent them from expiring. RIT faculty and staff are granted RIT Computer Accounts by request of the manager. Retirees, vendors, and others may request RIT Computer Accounts.
Your RIT Computer Account and password provide access to university computing systems and services. Your ID card provides physical access to residences, dining locations, libraries, recreational facilities, and staff office buildings and provides purchasing ability at dining and vending locations, stores around campus, and within some colleges.
RIT employs several tools that determine your account's authority to access various online services and resources, and keep your data safe and secure.
RIT Computer Accounts
RIT computer accounts and passwords control access to online resources and services at RIT. All RIT students, faculty and staff are entitled to a RIT computer account. Sponsored accounts are available for some University affiliates and guests; a University sponsor and annual renewal are required.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Multi-factor authentication is a way of ensuring that only you are able to access your accounts in these applications. In addition to your username and password, multi-factor requires you to provide an additional verification step to prove it is really you accessing your account. RIT uses Duo to provide MFA.