Business Services

Important Information Concerning ITS Computer Systems and Network Charges

ITS, with support from Finance and Administration, developed a cost distribution methodology encompassing the varied computer platforms and distributed application software architecture across the Institute. The charges are based on the FTE count for faculty, staff and total FTE count for students registered to RIT's academic programs. The monthly computer systems and network charge are assessed on two factors: a per FTE charge developed from the total cost of operating and maintaining the RIT computer systems and network multiplied by the total of faculty and staff FTE's attributable to each department, and total FTE count for Students registered to a department's academic programs. The standard charge reflects the centralized costs of supporting RIT computer systems and the network that is used by the entire institute community. These services are outlined later in this document. Charges for services and equipment that are specific to a college or department are not part of the centralized cost base and are charged separately from the monthly rate.

ITS Charges for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff FTE counts are derived from the payroll distribution each payroll period of the month. For those employees whose salaries are charged to more than one department or project, the FTE calculation reflects the appropriate percentage charge to each department or project. The calculation includes all full and part time employees (including adjuncts and temporaries) who were paid during that period, based on their standard hours recorded in the Oracle Human Resource/Payroll System.

  • An employee with standard hours of at least 35 and up to 40 hours per week is equal to one FTE.
  • Adjunct faculty are calculated at .33 FTE for each department charged.
  • FTE for student workers are not included in the calculation.

ITS Charges for Students

Student FTE counts are determined on the 15th of the month when an extract from the Student Information System is taken. The allocation is based on student enrollment in academic programs in accordance with academic program library on the registrar’s website.

Rate and Calculation

Each month the ITS charge is calculated by multiplying the actual FTE counts by the chargeback rate. The rate is reviewed quarterly and adjustments made as necessary to adjust the rate to actual ITS expenditures. The rate for fiscal year 2025 is $214.30/FTE for Federally Funded Sponsored Research Faculty and Staff, $219.20/FTE for all other Faculty and Staff and $219.20 for all RIT Students.

The journal entry is charged to object code 90230. The journal entry description includes the total number of FTE's being charged for the period as well as the month the charges pertain to. Separate charges are made each month for students and for faculty/staff.

Questions about the composition of the FTE count may be directed to ITS at extension 5-5881.

Information and Technology Services Centralized Computing and Networking Services Fiscal Year 2025

  • Design, program, install, document, enhance, and maintain institute wide administrative information systems. Examples include SIS, Financial Aid, Student Financial Services, Residence Life, Human Resources, General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Fixed Asset, and Purchasing systems.
  • Maintain currently active high-speed switched data network connections.
  • Provide Internet access from the RIT campus network.
  • Provide dynamic Internet addressing (DHCP) for campus desktop computers and provide Internet name services (DNS).
  • Maintain the campus wireless network.
  • Provide computer accounts to appropriate faculty and staff that allow access to electronic mail, file services, library systems, Student Information System (SIS), and a variety of other services.
  • Provide central electronic mail and group scheduling services.
  • Provide Service Desk support for end users on central computing, network, and desktop computers.
  • Provide classroom support for network connections and computer use.
  • Manage central web servers.
  • Provide central server and disk space for student, faculty, and staff; and disk space for student, faculty, and staff individual web pages.
  • Provide software for selected applications through site licensing and volume discount agreements. See here for a complete list.
  • Provide computer education and training programs.
  • In partnership with other campus organizations, create and support standards related to computing and networking.
  • Provide computer room services for servers supporting central institute-wide applications. ITS support responsibilities are based upon the server needs and the application. 
  • Provide database administration for institute applications such as Oracle, student systems and financial systems. Student systems include Financial Aid, Student Financial Services, Registrar, Residence Life and Admissions applications. Financial systems include electronic transfers, printing, Kronos and e-commerce

Network Communications

Network Communications provides telephony, computer networking, and infrastructure for video services across campus, including in the residence hall facilities.

Data Center & Server Management

The ITS Data Center provides facilities with high speed networking, secure firewall, electrical power, uninterruptible power supply, climate control, computer racks, system monitoring, remote console, and backup/recovery. ITS Data Center Operations oversees these facilities, governing processes and equipment that maintain a secure facility with stable environmental conditions. From these facilities ITS provides a number of services for the RIT community.