RIT Enterprise Slack

Slack is a collaboration hub that enables real-time communications and connections in a searchable platform for real-time messaging, content sharing, learning, and more. RIT Enterprise Slack allows teams within RIT to have separate, but connected, workspaces across the university.
Get Started
If you're not familiar with Slack, Slack's Help Center page provides a wealth of good information on what Slack is, how to use it, and how to adjust your preferences to get the most out of it.
- Direct messages: Direct messages/direct message groups are enterprise-wide. You can direct message any other member of RIT Enterprise Slack without being in any common workspaces or channels. For 1-to-1 or small ad-hoc group collaboration, this is an easy option that does not require creating any workspaces or channels.
- Multi-workspace channels: Enterprise Slack offers the ability to create public or private channels that exist across workspaces. For example, a project team of employees from different departments can create a private multi-workspace channel to communicate with specific employees from multiple departments, without needing to create a new workspace.
- RIT Community workspace: All students, faculty, and staff can join the RIT Community workspace, and can create private channels in that space to collaborate with anyone else at RIT.
RIT Students, Faculty, and Staff
All RIT students, faculty, and staff members can join the RIT Community workspace in RIT Enterprise Slack. Once you have joined, you can then create or join channels in that workspace, or direct message anyone else at RIT who has already signed into Enterprise Slack.