Pre-College Preparatory Program

Preparatory Program
The Program
The aim of the Pre – College Preparatory Program is to enrich students’ core competencies in English and Math in order that they become academically fit to embark on an academic journey at an American Higher Education Institution. The whole program is designed to provide classroom instruction on specifically designed classes in a standard American classroom delivery style where students learn from a variety of sources: physical, digital, experiential, and task-based. Apart from serving as an entrance exam preparatory experience, the program serves as an academic enrichment for students in their first year of study.
Program Delivery
The whole preparatory program is delivered within 10 weeks during regular RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) semesters (Fall/Spring). The English class is delivered twice a week, 90 minutes classes, whereas the Math class is offered once a week, 90 minutes class. During Fall semesters, the program is offered only at RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) in Prishtina whereas in the Spring semester, classes are offered in all regions of Kosovo: Mitrovica, Peja, Prizren, Ferizaj, Gjilan, Gjakova, and Podujeva. Times and locations are additionally announced prior to the start of the program in each city.
Improve your Math (in English) and Academic English skills in a 10-week program and become part of our success story.
English for Academic Purposes
The English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is designed to improve students’ ability to study effectively in English in an undergraduate program. The course develops students’ knowledge and skills, regardless of background or preferred subject of study they plan to embark on. Students approach the course content from different perspectives such as economic, technological, legal, social, business, and gain knowledge and skills to write and speak about these in relation to what they know, and as far as possible, to their preferred discipline of study. Great deal of emphasis is given to essay writing. By the end of the course, students should be able to develop effective comparison and argumentative essays while paying close attention to citation and referencing to assure academic writing authenticity.
Core Competencies
Upon completing the course, students should be able to:
- Produce extensive, complex, structured, and functional academic language for use in specific contexts
- Write academically acceptable essays while developing effective paragraphs, introductions, conclusions
- Write persuasive, process, and compare and contrast essays while synthesizing citations, evidence, and explanation
- Deliver content-related or delivery-related presentation while using visual aids effectively
- Design a content related project applicable in a particular discipline
- Work in an increasingly diverse setting with students from different cultural backgrounds, language and cognitive levels and deliver final products
- Take and organize notes simultaneously to use for academic success
The Pre-College Preparatory Math Course is delivered in English language. It aims to assist students to gain competence with fundamental mathematical concepts required for the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) entrance exam. The course is designed to offer students both a solid review as well as an opportunity to learn the fundamental topics of mathematics, including but not limited to: number properties, arithmetic, algebra, proportions and word problems. Furthermore, the course aims to prepare students to apply these fundamental mathematical concepts to the requirements of the RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) entrance exam.
General course objectives
Upon completion of the class students should be able to understand and solve problems related to:
- Number properties
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Basic to medium level difficulty word problems typical for numerical reasoning, including extracting and interpreting information from tables and graphs
Eligibility priority for admission
- High Schools students currently enrolled in year 12 in high school
Required documents
- High School grades to date. Priority will be given to grades in English and Mathematics. A cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher is preferable.
- Students who successfully complete the program will receive an academic reference to be considered for scholarship. There is a number of scholarships available for PCPP students.
- Successful students who show excellent result in the program will receive a reference to be considered for direct admission into RIT Kosovo (A.U.K).