Photo Spotlights

  • May 21, 2009

    Andrew Herbert, College of Liberal Arts, received a 2008-2009 Eisenhart Outstanding Teaching Award on May 7. Since 1965, RIT’s Eisenhart Awards for Outstanding Teaching have honored and celebrated faculty excellence. Winners are chosen through rigorous peer review of student nominations.
  • May 20, 2009

    Twenty RIT students, faculty and staff members took the RIT Health/Fitness Challenge over the past 126 days. Combined, the group lost 138.5 pounds, 161 inches and 33.8 percent body fat. The group, including Alicia Tejada Abreu, focused on nutrition, fitness and wellness.
  • May 19, 2009

    Linwei Wang is set to become one of the first two graduates of the Computing and Information Sciences Ph.D. program in the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. Wang came to RIT to work with her mentor, Pengchang Shi, who serves as the college’s Ph.D. program director for graduate studies and research. Wang will join the program’s faculty after she graduates.
  • May 18, 2009

    RIT’s English Language Center celebrated its 30th anniversary during an open house May 14. The celebration featured a variety of international foods and a number of exhibits prepared by RIT international students to teach the community about the students’ home countries. Here, Rhona Genzel, director of the English Language Center, greeted some of the guests.
  • May 16, 2009

    RIT’s School of Film and Animation hosted a pre-reception for filmmakers participating in the Rochester High Falls International Film Festival. Actress CCH Pounder attended the May 15 event and toured the facility. RIT is among the venues for this year’s film festival.
  • May 15, 2009

    Scott Franklin, a physics professor, won the first Gender Diversity Award. The award was presented by Vice President for Student Affairs Mary-Beth Cooper at the annual Women’s Career Achievement Dinner April 27.
  • May 14, 2009

    Lindsay Berkebile, a third-year RIT film and animation student, is the recipient of the inaugural X-Factor Filmmakers Award. Berkebile was honored at a May 14 ceremony for the Rochester High Falls International Film Festival. The award was established by Lauren Tracy, a fourth-year RIT film and animation student. Tracy’s goal is to help women filmmakers advance in the industry.
  • May 13, 2009

    After being laid off, Rachelle Danno enrolled in RIT’s Center for Multidisciplinary Studies and crafted a unique degree program combining courses in fine art, food service management and business management. Danno completed her course work in winter quarter.
  • May 12, 2009

    United States Congressman Steve Israel toured the Center for Integrated Manufacturing Studies during a visit to campus May 8. Israel, a leader in the area of sustainability development, was on campus to discuss RIT’s current efforts in sustainability research and education.
  • May 11, 2009

    Inductees of the Department of Communication chapter of the Lambda Pi Eta National Honor Society were honored April 30 at the organization’s annual gala.
  • May 10, 2009

    Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society students gathered April 29 outside RIT President Bill Destler’s home before a special dinner honoring the new recipients. Alpha Sigma Lambda was founded in 1964 to recognize students who represent outstanding academic achievement and campus leadership.
  • May 9, 2009

    RIT President Bill Destler (left) and Nazareth College President Daan Braveman approved an articulation agreement between the two institutions that enables qualified undergraduate students at RIT to simultaneously pursue graduate-level coursework at Nazareth College leading toward a Master of Science in Education. Both presidents formally signed the agreement during an April 27 ceremony at Nazareth College. The articulation agreement takes effect during the 2009-2010 academic year.