NTID Staff Senate (NSS)

About NSS

The mission of this organization will be to serve as a communication conduit between NTID staff and administration, and to make advisory recommendations to the NTID president on broad NTID topics, as opposed to personnel issues. We will provide recommendations or advice to: enhance the staff experience, deepen our collaboration with student, faculty and administrative partners within NTID’s system of shared governance, and serve as a catalyst for positive change in order to successfully fulfill RIT/NTID’s strategic visions. This organization shall not supersede or duplicate other governance processes within the university, such as RIT Staff Council.

If you want to set up a meeting with one of your NTID Staff Senate, go to Membership, and email one of the senators listed.



Term Ending 2022

Marissa Woodruff
Assistant Director Alumni Relations


Term Ending 2023

Meeting Schedule

NSS normally meets monthly, unless additional meetings are scheduled.
